Chapter Four

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I gasped and nearly fell over. How the hell did he do that? I put my pointer finger in my mouth and raised it up high in the air. The wind was still. It made no sense! 

"I really don't make any sense, do I?" said a cold, icy whisper onto the back of my neck. I spun quickly around and punched the air with my fists frantically. Still, there was no Jinx. 

I started freaking out, I even think I started hyperventilating. If you can hear my thoughts, answer me now. Where are you?

"What? I can't even keep any secrets from you? Nope, I'm staying right where I am now!"

I heard his voice say cheekily "You must be into me if you want to know where I am so badly! Find me and you can have me!" His voice floated around in the air and it was truly terrifying.

"Jinx seriously, stop moving about! Please stay still so I can punch your face out!" I said, making my hands into fists.

"Nope, I'm here and there and back again! It's almost like I'm..." the voice moved towards my other ear. "Everywhere!"

I was so fed up with him, but I still couldn't make out why I couldn't see him. "Jinx," I said firmly. "Show yourself and be a MAN! wait, I think that is impossible because you ARE SO CHILDISH!" I screeched the last part. I think instead of steam coming from the ears, it's gas and it is fogging up my mind.

"Fine fine jeez, can't a guy have a little joke?" he asked. He really did sound like a child.

"Well this wasn't a joke because you are seriously freaking me out! Now please, come out and let me see you!"  

"Awww how sweet! You can't even live without seing me for only  few minutes! Now slow it down beauty, we only just met!" He said in what I think was mean to be his sexiest voice.

"Yeah, whatever. Just come out!" I pleaded. Okay, before you say anything, i'm only pleading because I'm seriously freaking out, with him saying things when I can't see him. Wouldn't you?

I growled after a few seconds, frustrated that he still hadn't come out as I started looking around. As I spun around to look behind me, I saw Jinx standing there, doing kissy lips right in front of my face.

I screamed loudly in pure surprise and reflexively punched him right in the nose. A clear liquid ran out of his nose quickly.

I gasped at the sight and threw my hands over my mouth as he turned around, holding his hand beneath his nose as he sighed.

"Gee, thanks! now my nose it bleeding!" He exclaimed, tilting his head backwards. He held his nose tightly. The liquid didn't stop which only make him more frustrated.

"Yeah, thanks for the info captain obvious. And that's blood? It looks like water," I replied, walking to where I could see his face. "Oh, and you are meant to tilt your head forwards," I chuckled as I gently pushed his head down. I can't see his face, but  can see his cheeks rise into a smile.

"Well thanks. I just guess it's because I have never had a bleeding nose before! Never had a girl HIT on me before!" He laughs at his own joke as he looks up at me.

As soon as he smile at me, I just remembered that I was furious at him. I frown at him and reply, "By the way, if you just came out to face me like a real man or even never have done it in the first place, this never would have happened!"

He frowns at this message, probably not enjoying that my calmness passed. "Well, I will probably come back tomorrow, to see how your little doll face is going," Jinx said, brushing a strand of hair that fell on my face. I swipe his hand off and throw it behind his head.

"OW!!!!!"  he exclaims. "Why do you have to  hurt me all the time?"

"Well how else am I going to get you to stay away?" I grab my water bottle and start walking back to my camp. "I'm gonna give you some luck now, if you do come back tomorrow!" I called over my shoulder.

I hear him sigh loudly as he opens his mouth to speak. "What if I promise to stop hitting on you, and to only be a friend?"  

I stumble as he says this, surprised that he'd even suggest this. Still, I turn back around to him, and walk closer. He stands, there, frowning, a concentrated look on his face, waiting for me to answer. I walk right up to him, but he still doesn't change his face expression.

"So you wouldn't say, or do anything at all? Nothing?" I ask, completely baffled. He just nods. Damn I wish that face wasn't so attractive! I never noticed it before, but I can see a sparkle in his eyes. It is kind of cute, but what sparkle isn't?

Wait, he says he can hear my thoughts, I think as my eyes widen, before shaking the thought out of my head. Focus. You're mean to be answering his question.

I think about it for a bit. It would be nice to finally have a human friend, visiting regularly. "I think that would be nice, but remember, any flirting, and you never return!" I tell him firmly.

He smiles. "Got it. No flirting, and if I do, I'm outta here like a squirrel on a sugar high!" He promises.

I laugh, as I turn back round. "Good, come by tomorrow and we'll learn more about each other," I reply. I start walking slowly.  I was in a mess of daydreams when I felt my foot catch a loose tree root. I was snapped back into reality as I started falling to the ground. I braced for impact but as I fell, I felt two, firm arms catch me.

I opened my eyes to see (of course) Jinx, panting, staring into my eyes. I held his gaze for a few seconds, until I looked at the ground shyly. "Thanks," I whispered slowly as he pulled me up, my body still wrapped in his arms. Our noses were only a few centimetres from touching, but I didn't move. His eyes were more perfect than ever, with me this close.

I knew I would regret this later, but this was now and I can deal with the future later. I leaned closer, all until my lips were touching his. As his warm lips pushed against mine, I realised this was a mistake. I tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me go. I pulled my lips away, but he just put his closer. I pulled away again, but this time, I put my hand over my mouth.

"I'm sorry,"I whispered, pulling his arms away, scrambling out of his reach as I sprinted off into the west. I squinted my eyes tightly, as hot tears seeped through. I stumbled on my own feet and fell to the floor. That was the most horrible thing, but also the best, which made it that much worse.

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