Chapter Twenty-Three

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I have a feeling that Jinx had a lot of energy, because killing the Wild's was simple. Jinx sped ahead of me and took on the one with the bow and arrows so I went for the weaker one. We had the element of surprise and it was freaking helpful!

The weaker one was staring at Jinx and the other one when I finally approached, so I quickly slashed my sword as soon as it was possible. He howled and took his eyes off Jinx, swiftly throwing his sword at me. Luckily, since he was wounded it only scraped some skin off my hip.

I winced at the pain before stabbing him with my sword in his stomach. He fell to the ground slowly, groaning quietly. I stared down at him just as an arrow shot through his head and he went dead instantly. I grinned, looking back up at Jinx who was looking so happy as he slipped his bow onto his back. "Got it," He whispered. 

"Are you tired?" I asked. "I can take a watch if you want to." 

He shook his head. "Nah, I'm good. I don't need it," He replied as he sat down beside the bonfire. "Come, sit. There's no point in hiding again." 

I went and sat beside him. "Actually, there's a huge point. If anyone else comes they could catch u by surprise, and if we're hiding we have more of a chance." 

He gave me a look and I shrugged. "Fine, we'll stay here. 


It wasn't until it started getting dark that Jinx and I actually started getting tired. I insisted he got some sleep and i finally got him too as he settled down, one hand on his bow and his other on my stomach.

I played with my sword and the sticks around us while I thought. Killing just about everyone we met made me feel despicable. I mean, i come down here and have had so many chances. Maybe I'm the monster. I kept saying to myself. 

If I ever get out of here, I thought. I am going to get Ginger and I'm gong back to the town where I will try and find my parents. I want to make things right for myself. I promised myself this and it would be the one promise I would be keeping.

I snapped out of my thoughts as heat burned my left cheek. I looked to my left where the bonfire was fired up. I gasped as I shook Jinx, pulling him up.

"It's happening Jinx!" I shouted. He blinked as he jumped up.

"It's early," He said under his breath. He stepped forward. "Oh mighty vampire gods of hell, we demand to speak to thee groomed vampire gods of hell!" He grabbed my hands and he pulled our arms up high as a big shine of light flashed and I squinted my eyes.

It took a moment before my eyes adjusted, but once they did, I found myself in an empty room, in a small glass box. Beside me was Jinx in another glass box who had the same bewildered look as I. In front of us was a man and a women, standing there with a bored expression. Behind them was a buff guy who looked between them slowly.

"And what do you two Groomy's want?" The man said sourly.

Jinx and I exchanged a look before he stuttered, "Um w-we need t-to talk to y-you about Grooms down in hell." 

The women look up from her nails, her eyebrows raised. "Which is?" 

"The way we are treated is horrible down there!" I exclaimed. "Why should the Wild's run it? Why don't we get treated the same? Grooms aren't any different!" I stood up. "You also need to stop this rule on mortals coming down here when there STALKER is in fault! Things need to change!" 

They were all staring at me now, and I was on a roll. "You bloody idiots don't give a damn about anyone else so you don't deserve to be up here stuffing your cheeks with scones and luxuries when people like me are down there suffering!" 

The man at the back took a gun out of his pocket quickly. "Put up your hands, both of you!" He growled and I stuck my hands in the air.

The other man in the room took a step towards me curiously. "And what maks you think you have the right to speak to us like that?" 

"Because no one else has the guts to say it and it needed to be said! I want you to answer this. How many Grooms and mortals are in hell?" 

He thought for a second. "226. 187 Grooms and 39 mortals.

I put my hands against the glass. "How many Wilds are there?" 

"20,955," the girl said immediately.

"And why do you think that is?" Jinx shouted and the men jumed in surprise.

"I'll tell you why!" She shouted. "Because since the Wilds get certain advantages, our people are killed! Don't you care about your own race!?" The man and woman looked at each other and then back at us.

"Keep all wapons inside the glass cage and step out," the man ordered sternly. I placed my word onto the ground and stepped out as soon as the cage was opened.

The woman grabbed my arm and pulled me into the corner, the man doing the same to Jinx. She pushed me against the wall. "Listen to me, girl. I don't know what angle your playing at, and I SHOULD know. Explain why you are down here, your before-life aand who you are." 

And minutes later, I found myself explaining my whole life story, up until us coming up here and she listened intently. It took up a while even when I skipped a few parts, but once I was done, the lady just nodded.

"Interesting life. But why are you fighting so hard?" She asked.

I thought about it for a while. "Because it's unfair to everyone except the Wilds, and they don't deserve any luxuries they get either." 

"Yes but why do YOU care? What makes you think it's unfair when you aren't even a vampire?" she asked.

I shrugged. "I know what it's like when things are unfair and no one else should put up with it," I replied. She nodded slowly and gestured me back over to the guard where I followed, Jinx just coming back from his corner.

"Okay you two, get in the cage this boy was in," The man said, pointing to Jinx. I nodded and pulled Jinx quickly into the cage as the guard closed it behind us, the man and woman talking in hushed tones.

"Yu okay? What happened?" Jinx asked.

"She asked me who I was and about my life, so I told her nearly everything. Ten she asked me why I cared so much and I said because I know what it's like to be treated unfairly and that no one else should put upp with all the rules," I explained. "What about you with the guy?" 

Jinx nodded. "Same here. D you think we have made a difference?" He asked.

I sighed. We'll never know until they explain what they're saaying to us," I replied as he took my hand into his lap and we waited until they called us back out, us apprehensive for their final decision.

A/N: Whoo! This story is nearly done but don't worry, I HAVE DECIDED THAT I AM DOING A BOOK TWO TO VAMPIRE OBSESSION ONCE THIS BOOK IS FINSIHED! *Cheers everywhere*


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