Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Okay, so get this," He started, sitting on the edge of the bed. "They brought me into a room where this guy was and I found out he was the HEAD of organizations including hell and heaven! Apparently Rysk and Jagger told him about me and he was very impressed, so once you.... leave tonight, he said I could have a choice." 

I smiled at him and said, "so what were the choices and what did you choose?" 

"I could either choose of starting over and finding a new subject, or..... taking a spot with Rysk and Dagger up here in the hell organization!" I gave a small squeal and gave him a tight hug.

"And I chose... to start over." 

My face dropped. "What? You'd choose that over working up here!?" 

He gave me a serious look and replied, "You don't understand! When I was working with Castro on you, I was SO passionate about it! I really did love it and now that Castro is... gone, I can have the responsibility for myself! I really do want to do this!"

I gave him a dazzling smile. "Well I think that is awesome! How do you know which human you... stalk next?" I asked.

He didn't seem to be offended that I said stalk, because he even laughed. "Well since I turned down the offer on staying with Rysk and Jagger, he let me choose whoever I want!" I asked who he chose, but he shook his head. "I really want to tell you, but I can't!" I nodded slowly as he climbed into the bed beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Goodnight Atalanta. We'll meet again someday, I can feel  it," Jinx whispered, tightening his grip. I desperately tried to stay awake, but i soon felt myself slipping.

"I love you," I murmured before I slipped off.


I woke up to a long, wet tongue licking across my cheek and my eyes fluttered open to find Ginger sitting beside me. I pushed her away slightly and sat up, looking around wildly.

I was back in the forest, lying on the ground a few metres beside my set-up, that was looking just like it did before. I picked Ginger up and gave her a tight squeeze.

"Aww I missed you so much," I cooed to her, before placing her on the ground and looking around. I didn't really know what to do until I remembered exactly what happened before I woke up.

"Jinx? Jinx!?" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I ran from side to side. I sadly heard nothing in return and knew that it was true, that I would probably never see him again. I bit my lip as I fought back tears before shaking my head.

Suddenly, another thought popped into my head. It was the promise I made to myself. "If I ever leave hell, I will find my parents.." I murmured to myself and before I knew it, I was racing through the trees with Ginger at my heels.

I hadn't been this way in so long, because the only time I went up it was when I was coming down here, but for some reason, I knew exactly where to go, like my feet had a mind of their own. I was sprinting at top speed and felt the wind whistling past my ears. I was so excited to be back, but I was terrified to actually see if I could meet my parents again, but hey, if I could survive hell, I could survive anything.

I finally sure the clearing and I sprinted faster than I ever have before. I was panting hard but I practically leaped out the door. The forest was on a hill and beneath it, was the small town I lived in. As I was on top of it, I could see most things around and I took it all in. 

I tried to picture it in my mind when I was up here before, because I could remember stopping up here and glancing behind me. The memory was fuzzy, but I could see that it was in pretty good shape, even better than before actually.

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