Chapter Thirteen

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"Jinx!!" Castro and I shouted in sync as we ran over and knelt beside him. I threw my arms around his neck and he accepted the hug, putting his around my waist. I let him go and he gave Castro a handshake then pulled him in for a man-hug. 

"Hey guys!" He said happily. "How have you been?" 

Castro shrugged. "Got caught by Wilds, out smarted them and blew up their home! Just a regular day in Hell!" Jinx laughed as he turned his head and looked at me. 

"I always knew you would be strong down here! That is why I never told you that you would be down here!" I gave him a playful punch and he raised his eye brows.

"What? No punch square in the nose? I must be warming to ya!" He said s he mimed punching himself in the nose.

"Don't push it Jinx! It's only because I'm happy to see you!" I replied, making him chuckle. Jinx glanced behind us to where Kyu was leaning against the wall, picking the dirt out of her nails. 

"Wait, who's Th- is that  Kyu?" He wondered. Kyu looked up at him and smiled. 

"Hey Jinx! How you doing?" She asked kindly. Jinx ushered her over and she knelt down beside Castro.

"This is great!" Jinx cried. "Now when Atalanta and I are being all mushy and in love, Castro will have Kyu for that!" Kyu grinned and I glared at Jinx, digging my nails into my palms to restrain from punching him.

"You ready for that punch yet?" I growled.

"There's that old girl I know and LOVE!" Jinx replied, making it clear on the love part. 

"Jinx! You are injured and don't need to be injured more! Stop being irritating!" Castro scolded. He leaned behind Jinx and whispered to me, "If he keeps this up you have my permission to pounce!" I tried not laugh and nodded.

"Anyway Jinx, explain your story!" Castro suggested, sitting but down next to Kyu.

"Okay. Well, when I had ran and the Wilds chased you, I bumped into another Wild party, literally a party. They were celebrating someone and when they saw me they must of though, 'Hey! Killing a groom to his non-death slowly will really bring up with party!' so they grabbed me and I even think they had a system! Went from the calmest to the roughest!" He recounted, at roughest punching the air around him- and nearly Castro in the face too. 

"Um, anyway. After that as they were about half way through, another Groom came and distracted them, then escaped with me and took me back here! He was an old an an said that he had been living in this place for 40 years! He looked after me and tended my wounds as much as he could then late last night I was resting and then I woke up to hiis face above me, then I was knocked out. I have a feeling a Wild did it, but anyway, then I woke up, he was gone and Castro was trying to signal me!" 

I exchanged a look with Castro before saying to Jinx, "Um Jinx, it sounds like the old man knocked you out...."

"What? That's outrageous!" He cried, "Why would that old man help me, help me again, then not help me?"

"Jinx, before you went to sleep, what were you saying to him?" Castro asked Jinx.

"Uhhhhhhh I was explaining about our telepathy and about how you were going to find me soon. Nothing wrong with that! Not like he can take it from us!" Jinx opinionated.

"God Jinx you are so stupid!" Castro shouted, banging the floor. Kyu and I jumped at his sudden change and Kyu even came and scooted next to me.

"What did I do?" Jinx asked, his eyes full of fear.

Castro wiped his face with his hands before shouting, "Jinx telepathy with someone is a special power that comes from genes! If someone who wants the power finds it, they ARE able to take it from us! Didn't you even listen to the teacher who taught us to control the telepathy!?" 

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