Four douchebags and some pins

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he night sky is how I came to wish to fly. It is the most beautiful art, alive with in raw energy, a song for the eyes. At times I felt as if I could feel it vibrating somehow, whispering in a way the ears cannot hear.

I was gazing at it as soon as I walked out. It almost felt like a summer night. It's too bad Its gonna get destroyed by four crackheads. 

My smile faded away as soon as I saw a black car beside the sidewalks. I have seen that car before. It's Yoongi's car. I thought Tae was gonna pick me up. Dont tell me all of them came? Can the night get worse. Jimin walked out as soon as I approached and opened the door for me. 

Jimin: Hello Miss... 

Apparently it can! 

Y/n: I will kick you... 

I threatened him and he gulped. the only thing he did was leave me some space so I can get in.... and apparently everything got 10 times shittier when I spotted Kim Taehyug to my left.

Taehyung: Hello Shortcake! 

When I spotted him I was about to make my way out speechless but Jimin was making his way in so we bumped at each other. Shoot... Taehyung laughed at this small interaction I had with Park Jimin. I got squeezed between two guys and had no way out. 

Y/n: H-Hello... Broomstick... 

I finally decided to end the silence. Tae laid back and crossed his arms with an unexpainable grin. What's wrong with him? Why is he smiling. 

Tae: When are you gonna start calling me by my name? 

Y/n: Well, When you are gonna start calling me by my name? 

Tae: Fair played... 

Jk: Hey Y/n-ah!

Jungkook when was sitting in the passenger seat turned around with a dorky smile and waved at me. What a child. 

Y/n: Oh Right You are also here... 

I whispered... disappointed in humanity.

Jk: You are really beautiful... 

T: Are you blind? 

I automatically hit Taehyung with ny elbow but I would like to call it an unfortunate accident. Taehyung almost whimpered but attempted not to make any sound. I slowly turned my head to look at him and gave him a devilish smirk. 

Y/n: Did you say something? 

T: No... 

He bit his lip in pain. 

Y/n: Good... 

Yoongi: Aren't you not gonna say Hi to me? 

Y/n: Oh My favourite one by far! Hello! 

I said a bit more enthusiastic by far. 

T: How can he be your favourite... 

Yoongi: I am everyone's favourite... 

Yoongi boasted while swerving the car. The truth is he as slightly my favourite cause he was getting in my nerves less than the others. Also, he was smart enough so I could make a conversation without killing him. That was good! 

Jimin: Why aren't I your favourite? 

Jimin had that sly smirk on. 

Y/n: Cause you are obviously a man whore with no real feelings... Jungkook is way too dumb, no human species can communicate with his brain and... 

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