A beautiful pattern

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Next morning: 

For the first time my body seemed way too heavy to lift in the morning. It seemed like an impossible task I had to complete without any significant prize at the end. Sleeping in and avoiding problems was something I was really interested in doing but I knew... If I stay home Minho will be right back, talking about the only topic I really wanna dodge. 

And No I am gonna do my absolutely best to move on from this without even speaking a syllable about it! 

Without even paying an ounce of attention to what I am wearing or how I am looking today (Which means I probably look like a mad woman), I walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen. For my surprise my brother was already there making breakfast, something he always fails at doing. 

Namjoon: Good morning love, I made you breakfast... 

Still, That smile on in the worst day. How am I supposed to react to this. 

Y/n: I am not... h-hungry... I came to say goodbye before I go to school... 

My voice is unstable only because I feel bad to decline his food when he is rarely doing the job right, and it seemed quite decent! I was about to leave but he Automatically seized my arm to restrain my leave. I slowly turn around and our eyes lock. 

Namjoon: We'll have to talk about it someday... 

He shrugs his shoulders with a smile. I felt heartbroken to even honestly answer to him but I actually had to. 

Y/n: No... We wont...

My voice came out softly even when my goal was to be strict and demanding. I guess he saw the vulnerability in my eyes and thats why he slowly let go of my arm. I grabbed this chance to walk out and leave him behind. 

I thought I was gonna go to school alone, totally forgetting Minho's old habit to come and pick me up. I hear the horn of his cabriolet so I swerve my head to see him and Yuqi beside the pavement on the car. They waved at me with smiles drawn to their faces. 

I faked one myself.

Approaching them, yuqi walked out of the front seat, adjusted it for me to enter and then slid it back for her to occupy her original seat. 

Minho: Someone is competing for best outfit of the year! 

Minho of course didnt lose the chance to tease my styling choices. Normally I would laugh, this time I just rolled my eyes and looked out of the vehicle. 

Yuqi: Look who's talking... The nerdy hipster with the strips...

Minho: Hey, Its not like y- Okay yes you dress okay, I guess... 

He corrected himself. Okay whats this? They are really acting like nothing is wrong with me. Are they doing it on purpose? Of course they are, who am I kidding? They are trying not make me feel uncomfortable or sad... Or maybe, could there be another topic. My two friends are malicious, how could I know?

Minho: Have you seen the yearbook? Did you spot any mistakes? 

Our eyes locked from the review mirror and we both knew that there were more tings to these stares. Although we both pretend like it meant nothing.

Yuqi: Not again with the nerdy talk! 

Minho: For the last time we are not nerds... 

Yuqi: Whats the largest state of the United States? 

Minho: Alaska... 

Y/n: He is a nerd... Why are you also blaming me?

Yuqi: Whats the second largest state of the unit-

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