Roster Page 37

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(37) Rosie

                      Rosie is an Ex-United States Army Transportation Corps S100 class 0-6-0T, designed by Howard.G.Hill for shunting duties in Europe during the second world war. USATC 1254 was built by H.K.Porter in 1942, as part of the first batch of 15 S100's the manufacturer would produce for WWII, and would partake in a few trials before being ready for work overseas. Come 1943, after the Sodor blitz, the USATC would send 5 S100 shunters to the NWR, with 1254 being one of these shunters. She would largely be used to arrange munitions trains passing through Tidmouth docks, one of the ports largely left unaffected  by German U-Boats, and would prove efficient in the close quarter environments of the dockside. After the war ended in 1945, 1254 was one of the wartime newbies to be purchased immediately after the war ended, (some would briefly be sent away and come back a year or 2 later), and would continue her work at Tidmouth docks, but now with the additional task of running short goods trains up to Ffaquhar, much to her delight. in 1955, to celebrate 10 years after the war had ended for the Sudrians, 1254 was given the name "Roosevelt", after the passing of the US president. She found this name a bit to long for her liking, and requested that others simply called her "Rosie". Since her arrival, Rosie has since been allocated to Tidmouth MPD, and Ffaquhar MPD on occasion, and now wears a pink livery with red lining on her side tanks.

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