Roster Page 46

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(46) Freddie

                          Freddie is an Ex-Great Western railway 1366 class 0-6-0PT tank engine, designed by Charles Collett for work on tightly curved, or dockside branch lines. No.1366 was built at Swindon in 1934, being the first of the 1366 class to roll out of the works. Almost immediately after being given the all clear, 1366 and 4 of his siblings would be allocated to Swindon MPD for a brief period before the NWR in typical fashion during this time, made a deal wit the GWR for several engines, with 1366 being one of the engines on order and arrived with the cavalcade on January 18th, 1935. Upon his arrival, number 1366 would be inspected for any abnormal wear, and would be sent to Crovan's gate for a repaint and shed allocation.  After receiving his new paint, and gaining a name, Freddie would be put to work on the new Balladwail extension, helping to finish it's construction, and being assigned to manage the docks at the end of the new extension. Following the completion, Freddie would join several other engines assigned to the Skarloey branch in being reassigned to Balladwail MPD on the other end of the Branch line, where he remains to this day. During his stay on the NWR, Freddie would be painted into a white livery with black outlines, and stripes on his tanks, at first eing allocated to Crovns Gate MPD, before later moving to Balladwail MPD, where he has remained allocated since 1965.

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