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The next two weeks passed by in a blur of Juliana Walker

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The next two weeks passed by in a blur of Juliana Walker.


Two Weeks Ago

"Ok class. I have your first unit test back for you. Most of you did extremely well." I look over at Julie, seeing her sitting up straight, feet swinging, with a smile plastered on her face.

She's wearing a light blue Nike crewneck with one of her white tennis skirts, paired with white Converse and a light blue ribbon in her hair.

I smile as I think back to those matching outfits she used to have on as a kid.

She looks cute.

What am I saying? I'm supposed to hate her.

I look at Julie again, this time in disgust as I pay attention to Mrs. High passing out our tests.

"Well done Jace." She hands me my test back with a 93 written in red ink in the corner, complete with a smiley face sticker.

I studied my ass off for it, so I'd hope to get a good grade.

I look over to Julie, who's not so confident anymore.

Mrs. High pulls out her test from the large stack she's holding. "I'm very impressed Juliana." She places her test down, and my jaw drops. Written in the same red ink is a 100 along with the same smiley face sticker.

How the fuck did she manage this? A hundred percent? Is she a mini Einsteinet?

She smiles down at her paper, taking a quick glance at me, shooting me a smirk as she returns to the conversation she's having with Mrs. High.

How am I supposed to compete with her?

Mrs. High leaves to return the other tests, and Julie turns to me, pride written all over her face.

"So," She glances over at my test. I smack my hand over my score, not letting her get the upper hand here. "what did you get on the test?"

"None of your business." I state.

She scoots closer towards me. I can feel her body heat radiating off of me as she's practically hovering over me. She gets closer to my ear, the smell of her vanilla perfume wafting towards me.

God. Why does she smell so damn good.

"It's ok." She whispers. I shiver automatically at our proximity. "I know you scored lower than me."

Just like that, the warm, vanilla smelling enemy moves away from me smirking as she looks down at her test again.

I stare at her, shocked, not only because of our differing test scores but from how close she got to me.

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