Chapter 11: He's A Really Good Lawyer

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The remaining days have been the same. I went to school and then met with my lawyer in the apartment. Mays as work when I have my meetings with Mr. -I mean Matt so it's just me and him. Here's how our sessions been!


I swing my way home from school on Tuesday, looking out for anything suspicious and luckily found nothing. I went to my apartment and changed into regular clothes before Matt arrived. It's only my second day meeting this dude and I still have to ask him my question. I know he's hiding something but I don't want to come off rude and what if it's too personal?


My head pops up from looking down at me fidgeting with my sleeves. I get up and open the door to see Matt.

"Hey Matt!" I greet him.

"Hey Peter. So I've done some research on that file" Matt brings up, walking into my apartment.

"And?" I ask him.

He turns around looking at me while I shut the front door.

"I think it's solid evidence that Hydra took you hostage but it's not that much as solid evidence that Ross had something to do with this" Matt explains.

"What?" I question him.

"Ross's name or what he looks like wasn't mentioned anywhere on the paper and it's not hand written so we can't say it's his hand writing" Matt says, going a bit deeper into what he means.

"But it was in the Shield files? He runs Shield? That has to mean something" I tell him in disbelief.

"Yes it does but Ross could say that he doesn't know how it got there, that it was one of his employees or somebody hacked into Shield. Since your friend did hack into Shield, it is possible for the jury to agree with him on that but of course he needs the evidence that Shield is hackable on some levels" Matt claims.

"Then how else are we suppose to prove to the jury that Ross is the leader of Hydra? Does this mean we're gonna loose? What if Ross actually wins?!" I start to ramble, my breathing picking up.

"Take deep breathes kid. It's gonna be fine because we won't let Ross win" Matt instructs me. I look at him and nod my head even though he couldn't see it, it's just a force of habit and start to take deep breathes.

For the rest of the session, we were brainstorming ways on how to prove that Ross is the leader of Hydra since there is more evidence of Ross not having anything to do with my kidnapping. It honestly freaked me out a bit because what if we can't find evidence? I mean I thought we had great evidence until Matt looked into it and said it can be easily denied as much as he hated telling me that. We just need evidence that connects Ross to being with Hydra.


Wednesday, please give me somewhat hope. Matt just arrived and he's sitting down across from me on my kitchen counter. I still haven't asked him about what he's hiding but I don't really think it's the right time.

"What's on your mind?" Matt asks, breaking the silence.

"Uhhh what? I-it's nothing" I lie.

"Are you sure because your stammering and your heart beat picked up the little speed to tell if someone's lying or not" Matt points out.

I stay silent. I listen my hearing to my own heart beat to hear that it did in fact picked up speed but how did he know that?

" did you know that?" I question.

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