02 🦢

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They arrived at the place . A small hill.whole Busan city was visible under night sky. Its only moon , stars and four boys under the twinkling sky.

"Woaah...so beautiful" jin said and
Others hummed along.

Meanwhile , jungkook was awed by seeing the full moon shining brightly with stars.

Wow that , that is wonderful ,marvelous.

He wanted to draw.

"Guys, can i go a little bit farther there ? I want a good view"

"Good view for what kookie?"

"I wanna draw. That. Maybe I'll never see it again."

" Oh.. you are so ridiculous jungkook, we came here for stargazing-" jin was disturbed by jimin.

"Its okay kookie but don't go far , its night and might be dangerous"

"Ugh chims im not a baby , see ya later" with that jungkook went a little inside the part that seemed like a little forest.

He went passed some trees and sat on a flat rock. The full moon was visible from the middle of pinus branches, and jungkook couldn't take his eyes off.

Why? Who are you? Why do i like you so much ? What do i have to do with you? Why am i always amazed when i see you ? Is that a magic ? Or are you really only the moon, no i think you do have something that you would like to tell me huh?wh- jungkook was snapped off from his thoughts after he saw something flying off .


" huh? Is that-

A swan.

"He automatically get off from rock ,sketch book fell on the ground, legs moved on its own , following the white colour huge bird, now was flying faster. he ran and ran untill he got into the dark inner part of the forest. He didn't care. All he care was the swan. Obsession? Yes you might say that. But isnt it a beautiful bond?

Wait . Please wait.

As if bird heard jungkook's thoughts it drove down from the sky , and seated on a log a little far away from jungkooks vision.

"Oh finally..it stopped . I should be quiet."

With that he tiptoed to the front. Now jungkook was all lost in forest. But all he cared was the swan.

" Wow it really is a swan dosent it? But swans in Busan ? In this area? Especially in summer?"

He went close and closer. Enchanted by swan.oh boy but luck was never on his side

"Arrrrrrrrgghhhhhh................helpp.....helpp meeee....AAAAAAA........."

" Jin hyung did you heard something ? "

" There are lot of sounds jimin, and its night so , don't be bothered so much,maybe someone is clapping cheeks-"

"Jin?what are you-"

"Enough Namjoon! help me with this bonfire so we can eat smores"

Help me.


" Why jimin?you look tensed" Namjoon asked seeing smaller boy panicking by the second.

" Hyung its been lot of time , where is kookie? What if he is in a trouble? Im gonna find him if you are not coming."

" Okay wait we are coming jimin"

Trio ran into the forest.

"Jungkook...kookieee...jungkook where are you?"

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