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Song recommendations - WINTER FLOWER ( feat RM) by Younha


Jungkook's screams echoed throught the room, everyone was now gathered around the younger one on the floor and the limp body beside him on his arms, in the verge of life and death.

"Papa don't die!! Don't leave me papa!!"

King Huan was now on the ground wounded by the arrow bleeding heavily. The moment arrow was pointed towards Taehyung king Huan quickly jump off to save him from the shot making himself into the shot sacrificing his life.

"J-Jungkook my buttercup" king huan spoked with immense pain spreading throughout his heart the arrow was now halfway jabbed into his heart piercing it by the moment.

"No -no papa, don't speak, I will save you, just shhh you will lose energy just don't speak" Jungkook said sobbing, his whole world ripped apart infront of his eyes. His father, his papa is now in pain in the thin line of life and death. So is Taehyung is shocked standing there unable to process what just happened infront of his eyes.


"Jungkookie, uh- l-listen to m-me ple-please, I won't survive l-long so litsten." Jungkook's eyes were blurring constantly tears pooling in his eyes. The warm droplets hitting Huan's face.His papa, his whole world is gonna leave him alone in this world.

"Just b-be ha-happy okay? No m-matter what" Huan cupped Jungkook's face by his hand wiping his tears.

"No papa, I won't be happy if you are not here, please don't leave me alone" Jungkook sobbed harder heart aching by each sob he release while Taehyung was rubbing his back from behind.

"H-Hey jung-kookie d-id you remember when I-I told you yesterday tha-t I am happy to leave th-this world now huh? I-I missed your mom so much. Ple-please I should join-" king Huan's brething hitched while he coughed pool of blood from his mouth. Jungkook's once pearly outfit was not deep crimson all over his hands and face splattered with blood.

"-join her. Live h-happily with T-Taehyung okay? , he will protect you. My buttercup. I-I will always be watching you from above with your mom. And I-im so proud of my odette. Forever I-i was." In that moment, king Huan let his last breathe out, face fell to a side. Once warm hand that was caressing Jungkook's cheek fell limply beside him onto his lap.

"Papa.. nooo..no no noo...noo..come on papa, don't joke with me..aaaghh..noooo open your eyes come on" sobbing and screaming jungkook shaked the cold limp body in his arms still an arrow plucked inside.

"Jungkook,he left us. Come on darling,please calm down."
Taehyung said caressing him from behind.

"NO!! You shut up, this is all because of you."
"Papa.. enough of this , come on please I will go crazy now if you don't talk ,Come on stop joking hahahahahaha no this is not real "

Jungkook laughed, laughed like a maniac, laughed like he has lost all of his sanity, did he cried or did he laughed? No one knew.Everyone was watching at the scene of the poor boy.king Lee and Taehee was in the verge of tears. The main castle was a mess everyone was running here and there panicking. While there was king Huan dying. Unble to process Jungkook laughed and laughed and screamed in next second he cried before suddenly falling unconscious into Taehyung's arms.



Jungkook woke up gaining his consiousness only to be reminded with the harsh truth of his dad left him alone. He was now in his room on his bed to be precise. He was no longer in bloody pearly white clothes, instead he was in a baby blue pajama set. It was almost night, moonlight slightly came through the window.

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