Kapitel 1

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 Chapter 1

Once upon a time around the time of the 18th century, there was a royal family living on a small island located near the country Denmark. The isle had a kingdom of its own, including a village around them. Most of the villagers had an okay life on-going, but since the new king took in charge of his father-in-law's title and became greedy with the time that passed and was harsher towards the outside of the kingdom to his villagers demanding higher taxes and stricter punishments at little crime rates. The habitants with the time grew unhappy and hoped for justice towards them one day, which worked for a short while as one of the villagers victimized himself to help them all out by robbing the kingdom until being caught and ordered the death sentence that had put the entire village in shock from having lost their only light at this submissive situation.

Years passed by and after the decease of the previous kings a couple of villagers, who couldn't live with this escaped from the island making their way into a different place, others remained, which had no choice or no faith in a better future. King Magnus Westergaard, the one responsible for all this didn't seem to mind this as in fact, he had grown busy with his family. The original heir of their throne, Queen Dana had recently suffered an abortion and in agreement with her husband, she quit on having another child. What makes it odd to know is, about three years ago she had her last baby, a boy named Hans and what's so special about this boy? Well for now on the only special thing about it is, that he's the 13th child of the couple. Exactly and her first twelve other children are all just like him, males. According to the Queen, she had wished to have at least one daughter or two and that was said, after she had received her second son, Franz. But after the 7th time she had the twins named as Runi and Runo, she felt like it wouldn't ever happen to her and she tried other methods, which supposedly would lead her to be blessed with girls instead, but even this didn't work out and she ended up having boys again until she stopped at her last birth and gave up for her own health.

The atmosphere inside the castle of all the sons grew quite tense with the arrival of the last newborn. They were used in the space of four years to be a group of dozen and after Hans' arrival, he became their toy ball. As the youngest and most inexperienced his older brothers bullied him and mistreated him. Despite it been witnessed by the King a few times there were no consequences from the father's side, no they were actually praised because in his eyes the strongest should always pick on the weak ones and this was the case with the brothers. The oldest ones were the strongest one out of the entire family while Hans was the weakest one. This went on for a big part of his childhood, no matter what Hans tried to do in order to obtain his father's respect or even from the oldest brothers, it either ended up in failure or by knowledge of one of the brothers, the plan was manipulated into making Hans look incompetent or even bad. As always King Magnus just showed disgust or no interest at Hans' attempts and ended up as the joke for the entire day, being bad-mouthed by all the siblings again. He had only one person, who he could talk with all the time about the issues and this person was his mother.

Queen Dana grew up to be a loving woman, loved by the villagers and other people who got to know her. After her marriage, she hasn't been often out of her castle due to her duties and the family. As the hen of all the boys, she loves them all. As known by all the boys, she doesn't have a favorite child. A big part of the children believe, she indeed does have one, but she doesn't say anything fearing it would be worse. Hans. That's what every one of the Westergaard lineage thinks. The young boy is the one she loves the most. All this, because unlike the rest of the boys, he has a stronger bond with the mother and he seemed more humane. To Hans, his mother was his only light in the abusive relationship with the sibling line.

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