Kapitel 25

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Chapter 25

Above the sea inside a ship with the symbol of Arendelle, a crew had departed along with the young princes as their fathers. Followed by the young Gerda and the advisor Kai they had insight the entire ride.

The royals sat on the bench together looking at Kai and Gerda, which had the lead of the current case, and listened to the experienced member of the kingdom.

„I'm really grateful for your offer to meet up with the queen to put on hold of the upcoming execution there at the Southern Isles. Although these weeks were meant for you all to get to know each other," Recited the adult making Gerda nod, then the Belgian king raised up his hand.

„I'm sorry for the interruption, but I just wanted to say we all together will do our best to have a peaceful conversation with the king," Commented King Felix making his son nod.

„We will do what's on our hand to avoid an argument and to spare this innocent farmer's life," Added Prince Hugo making Kai nod.

„This is what matters the most. You don't have to put your own kingdom's faith as well on his hand if this doesn't go as well as planned, "Commented Kai making the group nod. „I'll be going up to meet the captain and discuss the ride,"

„Has any of you got a map?" Questioned King Felix looking at Hugo, which shrugged his shoulders, then Rollan's father pulled out a card of his coat and opened it, then shared it with his son and Rollan placed his finger down at Norway pointing to the end of the country. „Here in the middle somewhere is Arendelle and we have to swim across the sea down here, towards the head of Denmark, pass over it and go down here at the third, large isle here and around them are plenty of islands and one of them is our destination. This is the only map I have with Scandinavia on it," Commented Rollan making the man nod.

„You sure don't remember exactly, what of this island is the right one?" Questioned Hugo making Rollan shake his head.

„Sadly I'm only familiar with the isles around the Iberian peninsula," Stated the Spaniard, then looked up at Gerda, which had walked towards the side of the ship to look out at the ocean.

„You've got something?" Questioned Hugo making Rollan shake his head.

„Couldn't there be a book with a better map?" Questioned Rollan making Hugo shrug his shoulders.

„Talking about books, I'm going up to talk with the captain and Kai. They sure have one map. We're not all sailing here without a map as if we were Columbus or Vasco Da Gama," Complained the raven-haired king, which got up to meet up with the adult, while Rollan stood up as well and stepped beside her.

„Is everything okay?" Asked Prince Rollan making Gerda nod.

„I'm fine, I'm just thinking about how my....biological mother told me, that I was originally from the Southern Isles. And here we are now going there and none of us knows exactly, which island is the right one,"

„We will find it out in time, don't worry," Promised Rollan placing his hand on the woman's shoulder making her nod.

„I know," Replied Gerda, then Rollan crossed his arms and leaned them over the board to look at the ocean. „Do you know what I think will be weird?" Asked Gerda watching Rollan look at her. „I'm literally returning to the place my mom had abandoned to make sure we could provide a better life,"

„No one there is gonna put a finger on you. They would most likely want to take me or the others from being royals. You have a lot of royal knowledge, but you don't have that legacy as I or Hugo do,"

„Being a Queen sure is a hard job, mostly when it's done alone. Elsa has the luck that Kai, I, and co. are there for her. Other kingdoms have both their rulers," Confessed Gerda. „You being the only heir in your family, you sure had it hard the past years," Commented the blonde making the raven-haired nod.

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