Kapitel 13

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Chapter 13

Gerda watched from the entrance of the castle Queen Elsa move along the bridge along with Prince Ulrich, which had been talking to her during the walk. Gerda looked back at the hall, where the Spanish and the Belgian prince stood there looking at the blonde.

„Have you two planned anything today?" Questioned the girl making the boys shake their heads.

„Write down a letter to my mother," Commented Hugo. „Afterward I may go out and see my father,"

„What about you?"

„I planned to go out to take my horse on a walk," Mentioned Rollan, then Hugo widened his eyes.

„Right I have to do the same. I think no one walked them around, right?"

„Just in the barn," Mentioned Gerda.

„Good then looks like I will have to do that first," Mentioned Hugo making Gerda nod.

„No problem, I will accompany you there," Spoke Gerda walking stairs down, then headed along with the princes to a door leading to the barn.

„I can see my horse right there at the water tank," Spoke Hugo walking towards the horse, which was being brushed by another staff member.

„And mines in his box I'd guess," Commented Rollan, then walked towards the box to greet his stallion.

„Have you planned a specific ride with your horses or will you just trot around?" Questioned Gerda and Rollan opened the door, then picked up the saddle to adjust it over the horse.

„Anywhere," Commented Rollan. „As long as we don't bother the queen of course,"
„I think she's going through the village first,"

„Then I head towards the port," Added Rollan. „I'll be there for a while, then I return,"

„Have you been once on the outside of Arendelle?" Questioned Gerda making Rollan shake his head.

„Where exactly? The hills up there?"

„Yes, or the waterfall up there. You can see from there Arendelle,"

„Maybe tomorrow I could go there or a few days later. I think first Valiente has to get to know Arendelle from around the castle," Commented Rollan picking up the leash to put it on his horse's face.

„I agree. I don't think him standing here all day won't make him get to know our places here,"

„You haven't got your own horse, right?" Questioned Rollan interested making Gerda shake her head.

„No. I just rode one from the Arendelle guards a few times,"

„Are you allowed to take one and come with us?" Questioned the prince making Gerda shrug her shoulders.

„I had to ask, but Elsa is now out there with Prince Ulrich,"

„And if you come along with us on our horse?" Suggested Rollan, then Gerda looked at Hugo leading his horse to the exit, then returned her face back at the Spaniard.

„He's leaving without you,"

„I believe we both were meant to go each own way," Commented Rollan.

„Well, you still got your stallion. He sure will be a good company as well,"

„He sure will," Commented Rollan patting the horse on the nose. „You're interested in coming along?"

„I have to help out with the preparations for tomorrow. Another time I could go or ask Elsa, so we can both go with a horse around Arendelle or farther,"

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