Kapitel 16

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Chapter 16

The next day the trio made their way through the forest on a path by feet. Hans carried Donny above his shoulders with his head facing the back and the hind legs laying above the front of the shoulders.

„Do you by coincidence recognize this route?" Questioned Hans hearing Anna comment. „I meant Donny,"

„I think we passed here once," Commented Donny. „I'm not sure, but I feel like I can smell on the ground myself,"

„This sounds good," Spoke Hans. „This means we're going the right way,"

„You really think so?" Questioned Anna unsure about the thought. „We've been walking a pretty long while. We've both carried Donny for perhaps an hour because of his hurting feet,"

„I don't think we've been walking around in circles. We have followed this path. This will have to lead us somewhere," Mentioned Hans, then twitched his head and moved Donny away from himself annoyed. „Donny, please don't lick me there,"

„You tested after fish on the neck," Spoke Donny making Hans confused.

„It's been two or three days since I ate fish,"

„I still could taste it," Spoke Donny, then Hans looked at Donny hanging on his hands looking at the ground and got put down by the farmer.

„Donny, do you think you can use your nose to figure out if that's really your scent?" Asked the farmer watching the dog lean his nose on the path to sniff it.

The princess and the farmer observed the dog check the ground under his paws, then raised up his nose continuing to use it.

„I've picked up something stronger coming from somewhere," Mentioned Donny beginning to wag his tail. „I think there's a village somewhere," Commented Donny departing racing along the path leaving the two adults back. The two looked at each other, afterward ran behind the teenager along the path keeping up with him, which was further away from the two.

„What did he find?" Questioned the princess making Hans shrug his arms.

„I don't know, but I hope it's something good,"

„Same, we can't afford another tragedy like the ones with the pirates. You know, losing time or getting lost,"

„We're already taking more time by feet. It's not the same as before with the horses," Mentioned Hans.

At the end of the path, they saw Donny turn aside, later on, the duo arrived at the end of the road to see another path leading aside the forest and the other one showed Donny head towards a road with small houses beside it. Hans smiled, then looked at Anna, which was glad that the two had been going the right way the entire time and she glimpsed at the man.

„Great, we found a village," Spoke the princess, then Hans signaled her to move on the path leading to the village, where Donny had disappeared.

„I don't remember having seen the village from here," Mentioned the farmer. „I wonder if I have actually passed here or around it,"

„Have you recited any of the names, when you were on your way to the castle the other week?" Questioned Princess Anna making Hans shake his head.

„No, I just went with the map. I saved up the largest cities to make sure we're going the right direction," Responded the brunette man. „But eventually we can look up on the map, which city is closer to the village," Hans suggested taking out the map from his overall's pocket to take a look at it and sought for the board with the name of their village.

„We're here," Mentioned Hans showing the map to Anna. „Göteborg is way up here and we luckily are further in front than I have expected,"

„That's great," Commented Anna watching Hans move his finger along the coast of Sweden until he was down at the end, where Falsterbo was located.

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