Kapitel 4

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Chapter 4

Oscar was in the library walking along with one of his guards at the end of the building, then looked at an area of the library, which had no continuation and both looked at each other. 

„Well and what now?" Questioned Oscar making the guard shrug his shoulders. „Couldn't there be something like a secret passage? After all, it's a magic area," Commented the brunette watching the guard look at the books, then looked up to see a flat board lying on the shelf, then he got on his tiptoes to pick it up and see it had the word magic on it.

„Oscar, it says magic here," Mentioned the guard showing his leader the sign making him nod.

„Then this must be the place," Commented Oscar looking at the books, then passed through the titles that were set on the bookshelf. „Help me find something, that could have to do with Princess Anna, her sister, or their kingdom,"

„Sure," Spoke the guard, then searched from down for anything related to it.

„Does Curses bring us anything?" Questioned the guard making Oscar shrug his shoulders.

„Could, but let's keep looking," Commented Oscar pulling a book out, which was about trolls from the valley of the living mountain. Oscar dropped it down on the ground, to continue to search throughout the shelf for more books, and found one about a war between Arendellians and Northruldans people.

„This one could be interesting," Spoke Oscar, then continued to look through the books to find another one, which was focused on the monarchy of Arendelle starting with King Runeard, leading to the last parts of the late King and Queen to pass away during a stormy weather as they left.

„I think this book could help us better," Spoke Oscar showing the guard the book, while he found one about a magical stone based on the elements fire and water,

„This one.....probably doesn't count," Commented the guard, then Oscar gave the guard the book about the war and kept the last one he found.

„Come on, let's take a look at the books and see if we can find something," Announced Oscar making the guard nod.

One afternoon later, Oscar closed the book and dropped it on the table, and watched the guard still reading his book and Oscar knocked with his fist on the table.

„Alright I know according to the book what's up," Stated Oscar earning the attention of the friend. „Apparently her older sister was gifted with magic powers, which once accidentally had almost killed her. To avoid it from happening again, they sought help from magic trolls, which healed her and erased her memories to make sure she wouldn't know anything about the powers besides Elsa and the parents. A few years later her parents went on a trip and died on a shipwreck, which left the girls in the custody of the servants of the castle. In an emergency, the parents had given the servants various tasks to perform in certain cases, but what they didn't see coming, was that Anna accidentally found out about the magic power and was hit again by her magic. One of the emergency letters told the castle inmates to seek help from the trolls, but they couldn't figure out their location, so their only chance was to find a magician. As they found one, none of them expected him to be a bad guy. This guy used the magic to make out of Anna's issue a curse and if she wouldn't fall in love with somebody and be loved back before her 20th birthday, she would freeze for good, "

„Wow, that's harsh," Spoke the guard making Oscar nod.

„Besides that, there was more than just trying to fall in love. It must happen naturally. The villagers of Arendelle fought against the presence of the evil magician, that showed up at the castle offering them help, but the kingdom refused to let them take Anna and that counter caused a few citizens to lose their lives due to the evil intentions of the magician. The kingdom had no choice and decided to take Anna away from Arendelle and lock her up inside an abandoned castle. Now locked up away inside an ice-made Palast, protected by creatures no one knew about them yet. This was said because people that had planned to go on this task had most likely lost their lives there, as none of them has ever returned. According to people that knew about the location of the palace they have never seen anyone return, sometimes they heard screams coming from the inside followed by a strange growl, shrieking the citizens from knowing yet another fighter lost the life against the mysterious creature,"

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