Kapitel 23

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 Chapter 23

Princess Anna and Donny sat in the middle of a wagon practicing together a dog trick she had been trying to make the dog perform.

„You just have to fall down and close your eyes as if you were sleeping,"

„What is the point of knowing this?" Questioned Donny tilting his head making Anna sigh.

„You're so stubborn," Commented Anna watching Donny wag his tail, which made Anna cackle afterward. „This wasn't even a compliment......Come let's try again," Anna asked.

Hans, who sat at the door looking at the outside watching the surroundings looked back at Anna with a neutral facial expression, then observed her pretend to choke and fall on the side, dropping out her tongue, followed by Donny moving his head back confused at Anna's behavior, which led farmer Hans to grin.

„She's really one of a kind," Spoke Hans watching Donny approach Anna with his nose to analyze her, afterward she moved her head to look at the dog.

„I know you don't understand it, but you know how awesome it would be if you could pull off one of these tricks? Just imagine you're being hunted by someone and your only way to survive is to pretend you're dead," Spoke Anna sitting up again to see Donny paying attention to her. „You know what this makes me think of? I had read this one book about a Collie heroine who was defending her human from a bad guy and played death leaving the villain to believe she had died and you know what she did afterward? She bit the villain on the nose. All that just to trick him,"

„And all she did was, what you did?" Questioned Donny making Anna nod. Donny looked at the ground, then dropped himself on the ground closing his eyes as if he was going to rest, then Anna shrugged her shoulders.

„Well it's a good start," Commented Anna, then looked at Hans, which had been watching the two, shrieking the former prince, which returned his head to the outside. Anna moved on her knees down to the prince, then sat beside him.

„You're alright?" Questioned the strawberry-blonde making the man nod.

„Yes I am," Responded Hans, then Anna noticed on the landscapes, that they were approaching a village and smiled at seeing houses after a while again.

„That must be Falsterbo, right?" Asked Anna making Hans nod.

„Well Falsterbo is more in the front, this is Skanor so far I know,"

„You will be happy when you're back at your farm. You'll finally have it legally its ownership,"

„Indeed," Spoke Hans." You....you know you can always pass by when you can. Eventually, if you find the one who helped you break the curse as well if you feel like we both could meet,"

„I don't know. I feel like doing this to you would be terrifying," Confessed Anna. „I would rather just pass by and mention, that my curse was broken so that you would know about it,"

„The only thing I want for you now, is that you break free from the curse," Commented Hans, then Anna leaned herself on the man's shoulder.

„Last night was great. How did this not work?" Questioned the woman annoyed, making Hans sigh softly.

„I don't know," Commented the brunette man.

Donny sat beside the duo, afterward glanced at the adults.

„What will be about Oscar, which offered you to give you the farm back when you would bring Anna home?" Questioned Donny, then Anna looked up at Hans, which moved his head out at the outside.

„It's up to you, Anna. If you think he's not worth your attention, you can refuse it. Out of the village, you'll find other guys as well,"

„Sure, if not I would have to look for a way to get back to Arendelle or figure out how to find a magician to help me out. I believe after what my sister experienced I won't be really trustful with other magicians," Stated the princess making Hans nod.

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