Kapitel 11

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Chapter 11

Queen Elsa had gotten out of the castle after lunch with Prince Rollan, then both were standing together in the horse stable watching a man bringing hay for the available horses to eat.

„Yours and Hugo's horse are there. They get food and water daily," Commented Elsa making Rollan nod. „You don't need to worry, your horse is fine,"

„Have you got a horse as well?" Questioned Rollan making Elsa shake her head.

„To be exact, I'm not the horse's owner. I simply have one or two, which I can mount on for future purposes,"

„Alright.....I've got my own horse, you probably have seen him already," Commented Rollan making Elsa shake her head. „Oh uhm.....do you want to see him?"

„I could take a look at him," Answered the queen, then Rollan walked towards the boxes, where the horses were located and Rollan knocked on the door to watch his horse eating hay from the ground and lift his head up to see the two. Rollan reached out his hand to see the black horse approach him, then Rollan placed his hand on the forehead of the horse to pat it.

„Happy to see me?" Questioned Rollan hearing a small neigh from the horse. „See? You're receiving here just as enough food as back home, right big boy?"

Queen Elsa chuckled at Rollan's talk, then stood beside him to look at the horse.

„Does your stallion have a name?" Questioned Elsa making Rollan nod.

„Valiente," Answered Rollan tickling the horse under his chin. „It means brave in Spanish,"

„He's not quite aged, right?"

„He's two years old only," Commented Rollan. „I got him for my 16th birthday,"

„That's a great present, they have given you," Commented Elsa making Rollan nod.

„Shall we go on our walk?" Questioned Rollan. „Or will we go first somewhere else?"

„Of course. There on the right side is the exit of the barn," Mentioned Elsa, then watched the prince get away from the box and followed him to the exit, where both stood out on a path leading to the bridge at the castle entrance.

„You're from Alicante, right?" Questioned Elsa making the prince nod.

„Yes, I am," Answered the Spaniard.

„Can you tell me a little bit about it? I'm curious to know how it looks like,"

„How Alicante looks like?" Consulted the prince earning a nod from the queen. „We're located at the coast of Spain. Our castle is up on top of a hill. From the entrance into our castle, we have a great sight at the ocean and the houses of the villagers.....There's also the harbor at the coast and......the port for the ships is really huge. Many ships from fishers are there. Ships from the armada have their spot there as well....It's a nice place, but it's nothing like Arendelle from the first time I got here,"

„The weather here and there must be as different as well too?"

„It's only cold in the winter season," Spoke Rollan. „Summer and Spring is most of the time hot,"

„Autumn here quickly changes its temperature quickly around the 10 or fewer grades. Summer is usually very pleasant. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right,"

„Our summer tends to be hotter. The winter......is cold....or the same," Mentioned Rollan making Elsa smile a little amused at the prince.

„That wasn't so bad. You're less tensed than you were yesterday," Commented the queen making the young man smile.

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