Kapitel 5

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 Chapter 5

Donny lied on top of the carriage sleeping, which stood at the front of the roundabout leading to the kingdom, where Hans was going to meet the king. 

„I'm sorry about your problem. I do really believe your story, but without any testament, I can't prevent you from keeping the farm,"

„Isn't there another way for me to keep the farm? I'm not sure if I'm able to sell all the current vegetables I have to people. I would surely need about 10'000 Thaler to be able to buy it and there's a low chance for me to make at least 1000. My savings won't help me a lot as well. I may be able to buy like a third of the farm and that's it. I'd need to work almost my entire life to get that money,"
„I wish I could give you that chance, but I fear, that you may not make it through with the taxes and we will have to arrest you and you won't be able to keep the farm,"

„That's one issue too.......Isn't there really another suggestion for me? Anything?"

„The only thing I could suggest you to do would be to find yourself somewhere a new job and a new house to live in. One you can afford and make it throughout the year without any issues,"

„What else can I do then?" Questioned Hans. „I don't have lots of choices,"

„You sound like a good villager. If I were you I would just try it out and seek a new job. There may not be the ones, that fit your skill, but it will help you through,"

„Alright your majesty. Thanks for hearing me out," Commented Hans, then bowed down respectfully at the king making him smile.

„Put your head up. Maybe this new start will bring you greater things," Commented the king making Hans nod getting downstairs to meet a guard, which escorted Hans out of the castle to his carriage.

„Have a nice day," Wished the guard returning back into the castle and Hans looked at the carriage to see Donny open his eyes, then sat up.

„And? Did you get your farm back?" Asked Donny wagging with his tail making the adult shake his head, followed by Donny dropping his tail down. „Oh....,"

„One good thing about this I kept most of my money at the bank, not at the farm," Commented Hans, then watched Donny get up to see from far the young Prince Oscar come along on his horse followed by one of the guards, then Donny jumped down and landed on his belly due to the large height from the carriage down at the ground. Hans shrieked to see Donny's deed, then watched him get up and Hans saw Oscar arrive.

„Hey farmer," Greeted Oscar. „Great to see you here. Had a meeting with the king?"

„Yeah," Answered Hans getting up at the carriage. „But don't worry, I won't stay here for so long,"

„Didn't it go well?" Asked Oscar, then Donny got up trying to jump up at the carriage, making Hans sigh and get down again to help the cub up.

„Hans couldn't get his farm back, because of a missing thing from his parents," Commented Donny, then Hans shushed at the dog.

„Hey, that's none of his business," Complained Hans annoyed, making the dog sink his ears down sad at the mistake.

„I'm sorry, Hans," Apologized the Husky, making Oscar chuckle.

„I'm sorry about that," Apologized Oscar as Hans looked at him unimpressed.

„How was your day at the library, actually?" Asked Hans making Oscar chuckle.

„Quite informative," Commented Oscar. „You know....since you've got this issue with the farm....I'm thinking about making you an offer,"

„An offer?" Questioned Hans bewildered, „What kind of offer?"

„Before that, I'm just going to ask you a question....Are you able to wield a sword or any other kind of weapon?"

„Almost everyone in the village does know how to use at least one. I'm no exception," Answered Hans. „I'm probably not an expert, but I'm able to use it,"

„Great, cause I've been wondering if you could do me a big, big favor. In exchange, I promise you I will give you back the farm,"

„And what's the catch?"

„Well, if this is considered as one, you may have to fight an unknown creature and bring here into our village the locked up Princess back. Princess Anna from Arendelle,"

„A princess?" Questioned Hans. „Why......who locked her up in there?"

„It's a long story, I just need to know, if you're willing to do this or not,"

„And why exactly do I have to do that? Why can't you do that?"

„I've got a lot to do lately. You don't have to worry about it. I personally will talk with the king in order to get the farm back for you, if that doesn't work I'll give you around 20'000 Thaler as a reward, so you can buy the farm back or another one. Up to you,"

„And this is really going to work?" Questioned Hans uncertain making Oscar nod.

„The money part is certain to work out. The part with the farm I will see how it turns out,"

„Alright....Okay. This does sound like a good shot for me," Commented Hans. „Do I have a plan or anything, that will help me find the way to the Princess?"

„I can give you one," Commented Oscar. „I've marked there, where exactly where the castle is located. I will warn you, it's a long way. The castle of her is located out there on the water near the borders of Norway and Sweden,"

„Okay, I guess I will just prepare things to take on the trip and I'll depart after midday," Spoke Hans making Oscar nod and stretch out his hand.

„So.....this is a deal?" Asked Oscar, then Hans shook his hand making Oscar smile. „Good, I will see if I'm able to get at the mail one swift, which I can use to send you a letter to see how you're doing. Is this okay?"

„Okay, I will then see if I can obtain a feather and tint for my ride,"

„Great, then all I have to do now is wish you great success. I'm sure you're going to make it through," Commented Oscar getting down of his horse, then took out from the inside of his west a map out containing all countries of the Scandinavian peninsula. „Take the time you need and make sure nothing harms the Princess. Otherwise saving her would be useless,"

„I will make sure, she's okay. I'll bring enough of food, so we're both able to get back home without passing hunger," Promised Hans, then looked at Donny which remained sitting on the bench.

„This is going to be a bit dangerous. I think the best thing is for you to stay back," Mentioned Hans making Donny frown.

„I'm coming with you anyway. As your dog, I'm around you to help you out no matter what," Stated Donny raising his head up proudly.

„You're.......you're not my dog......well.....you know what...it doesn't matter. I think I could use someone to talk with during the trip. I don't think anyone would join me on this trip anyway,"

„No one but me. I promise I won't be a burden to you. I will follow your order word by word," Announced Donny making Hans grin.

„Alright, alright. I'm happy I don't have to make this journey alone," Spoke Hans making Donny pant happily.

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