Good Days Hit Different

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Even though the cold didn't touch me before while being so close to the coast, snow piled up on my balcony. The frost bit into my skin as I looked out at the snow covering the ground, road, houses, and skyscrapers. Everything in the morning looks so peaceful after a night of snowfall. It looks like a winter wonderland.

The trees have new clothes, white and pristine. Grey clouds covered the sun but it still felt warm. I took a sip from my hot chocolate, with bunny slippers and a blanket wrapped around my frame, and sighed, letting my breath flow into the cold air. Sometimes hot milk, cocoa, and sugar are all I need to settle the bitterness of the cold in my bones.

Steam rises as I lift the mug to my mouth letting it linger to warm my blue lips. It's freezing. But I like the snowy weather because it has an inviting way of bringing more to my soul. Cold weather always brings people close together. Maybe it's because when cavemen used to tell stories by the fire they were all so very close.

Togetherness has been encoded in our genes forever.

I shiver once more as another harsh wind passes through my brittle bones and goosebumps weren't enough to protect me. Even with the warmest blanket I still feel chills run up my spine.

The semester is back in full swing. I no longer feel as pressured to succeed as I once did which makes me breeze through all my classes. I've also now been looking for internships which I should've been doing my junior year but was so distracted trying to keep up with a man who wanted to let me drown instead.

But it's never too late and I think I've found a few that are interested. Since going down to visit my Aunt my mom has been calling me feverishly. I'm sure it's because she was furious I didn't come to visit making her probably look like a laughing stock in front of some prestigious fat guys tryna marry me off to their prestigious cocky ass sons.

Apparently, I'm at the age to start being carried away to a castle that's really my dungeon. I mean, I've been of age for a while now but I fought to at least let her allow me to graduate and this was before I met my ex-boyfriend. Now that he's no longer in the picture she's been yanking on my leash expecting me to come home.

But what she doesn't know is I met someone else.

Once being back in the cold lecture hall my skin prinked up and my teeth chatter while I hugged my arms. I wore the right clothes but it's always so damn cold in this building.

If I look a certain way you could see someone's breath. We all came as a group with Namjoon wrapping an arm over my shoulder and another over Sky. Sometimes I just love his easygoing personality because it takes the pressure off of life.

He said that he's been working tirelessly with Yoongi in the studio trying to create his first EP. I've asked about him from time to time which Namjoon said that he's doing good after finding out about me and Tae and he's happy that I'm finally happy.

It's been bittersweet when I think about him, and I feel immensely guilty sometimes. Part of the reason was I could tell he really, truly liked me.

And I thought I did, and I believe there's a part of me that still does, but not in the way that he might think. I met him by force, and it felt uncertain. Like there was no way of telling where this might go. Yoongi gave me comfort in the best most beautiful way, and yet sometimes those types of people are there to just pick you up when you fall, nothing more.

Even while I was with him I questioned parts of myself bringing me further down my grave. Yoongi is a wonderful, sweet, and endearing guy, and I just wish he meets someone that sees that.

"When does he think your EP will be ready?" I asked while we sat around waiting for class to start.

Namjoon shrugged and swished his lips. "Hopefully before we graduate but it's no telling if I'll drop it. I'm only known as an underground rapper, I haven't built up a following yet since I've been keeping things lowkey. For the sake of my parents."

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