Twenty Seven

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"So Steven's outside," Joey proclaimed, sliding onto the seat next to Brad.

Not only did he put an end to the light conversation he had walked in on, but the bitterness held over Steven's name was so obvious, he received two disapproving frowns.

"What, why?"

Joey shrugged, protruding his lip as a response to Brad, and reached over him to grab an apple from the fruit bowl that had been placed in the centre.

"I saw him early this morning over by the pond, and he's still there by the looks of it."

"And I thought he was just being lazy," Tom mused, cupping each side of his face with the palms of his hands.

"Did you talk to him?" Brad asked, snaking his fingers around his empty glass.

Joey knitted his brow together around a mouthful of fruit. He even shook his head in disgust.

"Absolutely not. I didn't go near him."

There was a sigh from Tom, Brad went to refill his glass, and another crunch of an apple from Joey. It really didn't take long for him to munch his way through to the apple core, and he was eyeing up the bunch of grapes that sat temptingly in the bowl.

Joey couldn't go out again just yet, so fruit would have to suffice.

"Alright Joey, what's the problem?" Brad implored, drumming his fingers on the marble top. "You only eat a mountain of fruit when there's something on your mind and you can't work out."

Joey twiddled the core, his habits not as subtle as he thought they were.

"Steven was a dick," he said bluntly, then held up his index finger. "Correction. Is a dick."

Tom sent another disapproving look, temporarily pausing the rubbing of his temples.

"I don't want to speak to him if he's just going to lie," Joey defended, getting up to dispose of the apple core.

"He must have said something if Leah isn't angry at us anymore," Brad pointed out, trying to simmer down the heat. "She thanked us, which in my head is absolutely crazy."

The bin slammed shut and Joey brushed his hands together loudly.

"You know, I hope she stays angry at him for what he's done to her."

Tom turned his head in his hands, eyebrows raised quizzically underneath the wisps of his blonde hair.

"Ever heard of second chances?"

"He's already on his millionth chance," Joey countered, breaking off a branch of grapes right in front of Tom's face. "He basically functions off scuffed chances. Take the whole house thing for instance. Or Tabano. Or Joe. He's letting himself down all the fuckin' time and it's gonna end one way or another. He's gonna reach a point and then there will be no more chances to pick up from."

Joey sat down and plopped one grape into his mouth. He chewed and settled the rest of the bunch down, feeling a wash of sadness at the thought of his friend.

"Man, I hope Joe is okay."

"I know," Tom sighed, sharing the low mood. "I wish he'd let us know he's home."

Brad tapped his glass in thought. "Joe's tough, he's probably just getting his shit together. Leaving like that can't have been easy for him."

"Yeah, because Steven pushed him away! He's pushing everyone away!"

Brad shook his head. "Joe pushed himself away- you know that. You heard what he said."

Scrunching up his face, Joey continued the disagreement he had started.

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