Seventy Five

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Fifth of December:

It was a Tuesday, the winter sun low and glowing in a crystal blue sky, and the countdown to Christmas had begun.

This year, there was heavy snow forecast for the entire week running up to the big day, and the concept was very exciting for a two-year-old. In fact, Liv had been adamant that she wanted a Christmas tree from the first advert she saw on television back in November.

Steven's careful argument that 'it would be a twig by Christmas day' didn't work for long, and when they were constantly being exposed to the seasonal festivities everywhere they went, he gave in to the insistent and cute requests, and found the time to choose one almost a week into December.

Despite fatherhood kicking him onto his knees, Steven was better. Physically, he was keeping himself fit and he had a healthy diet to go alongside it. Mentally, he was sharing his problems with his counsellor, and rehab, all in all, was going well.

Steven was kept busy in life, greatly enjoying the weekends where he could spoil Liv and spend his time with her, including how to deal with her when she was being deliberately difficult to test his patience. Because teaching the correct amount of discipline was important in parenting, and he had to persevere with it.

His parents and sister, Lynda, helped out during the week with childcare when he had meetings or studio sessions, but he didn't have to worry about the band making their breakthrough, because Aerosmith was finally a real thing.

Dream On had been recorded, perfected, and released on November the seventeenth by Columbia Records as per Steven's request, and it was an immediate hit and climbed the charts outrageously quickly.

The radios played it constantly. Most of the critics loved them. They were in the music news for their inevitable debut album release, and the first week streams and sales were more than they could ever have dreamed of.

So, Steven found he could smile just a little bit, as he drove Liv home with a Christmas tree secured to the roof of his car, and the rock radio station on discreetly as the hosts talked about this...Aerosmith.

He wasn't quite the famous frontman yet; his face wasn't plastered on magazine covers, there wasn't a high demand for interviews and special guest appearances, but he knew he wouldn't be able to buy Christmas trees in a few years time without being recognised.

For now though, he was happy to enjoy the lack of attention and spend an hour deciding on a tree with his young daughter like a mundane person would.

"Liv, what about this one? We have nice needles, a strong base and a decent height."

Steven's answer to his attempt to convince his daughter for what felt like the hundredth time, was just a firm shake of the head, and tassels of her woolly hat swinging side to side.

His smile at the rosy cheeks sent a cold breath of smoke into the air.

"My goodness you're picky."

Holding her mitten covered hand, Steven continued to slowly walk through the farm of trees, envying the other eager families who picked one that everyone agreed on.


Steven looked down from his concentrated search, and followed the point. His eyes landed on the grand entrance where colourful lights, stacked fake presents, seasonal tunes through speakers, and an inflatable Santa with reindeer made an appealing display. And right in the centre was the biggest, most overly decorated Christmas tree that wasn't for sale.

"The big one? Oh baby, we can't have that one," he chuckled, crouching down to Liv's level. He fixed her woolly hat and used his thumbs to push the seam out of her blue eyes. "It won't fit in the apartment."

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