Thirty Seven

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Right, so I just wanted to point out a few things. I *think* you can call a different country from a phone box? If you can't, well you can in this story lmao, and the place (you'll know when you read) is made up. Probably does exist, but it's from my brain, along with this entire plot which I really have screwed myself over in a couple of let's say specific details but I'll point those out later 😂😂.

Also...JOE IS BACK IN ONE MORE CHAPTER AFTER THE NEXT ONE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Oh, and ofc Steven is toooo but you'll see where he is in the next one, which is also the ONE BEFORE JOE'S RETURN!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH X2

I hope you are ready because the shit is gonna hit the fan! Xx


They stumbled upon a crossroads at some point, a wooden post that directed to further civilisation, and grass banks soon accompanied an improving road surface.

An increasing number of cars drove past in both directions, and eventually the tops of the first cottages fell into view, a confirmation that the sign hadn't been misleading.

Leah had money on there being a telephone box somewhere in the small village, and she was right, spotting the bright red presence on the corner of a neatly maintained patch of green outside a newspaper shop and quaint row of homes.

It was hard to keep their heads down when it was obvious they weren't locals, but without a phone to use and not wanting to ask a stranger to use one, they could dig out some change and take advantage of the public one.

Joey called Boston because he was the one who knew Joe's sister's number, and it left Leah, Tom, and Brad nervously awaiting the news.

"Well?" Tom pressed, when the receiver was replaced, and the rickety door pushed open.

Joey stepped out into the breeze with a shrug, ruffling his hair. His eyes though, full of confoundment and something more that couldn't be hidden from the tired rings, landed directly on Leah.

"You were right. Joe didn't go home," he said, with a pinch of disregard for only her to pick up on.

It was weird between them. Now that time had taken its toll on their relations, along with everything else going on as an unwanted addition, the resolved tension had unravelled carelessly. She could feel it between them, see it even, and when Joey looked away, it just became worse.

Leah stood from her uncomfortable perch on the single railed fence, and was grateful for her cap that hid the hurt that burned behind her eyes.


"Why though?" Joey questioned, hands resting on his hips. He stopped next to Brad, enclosing their rough circle. "How's he going to help? Yeah, it's nice to know he's still here"

"We need all the help we can get," Leah replied firmly, ignoring his irritation. "And it's about time you guys made up anyway. At least then, we might be able to get some more ideas."

"He could be with Steven," Brad mumbled, opening up another flaw to her plans.

"I know," she admitted, sending him a sad press of her mouth. "But we have to gamble that he isn't, and that he's somewhere close by."

"And how are we going to do that?"

She turned her attention to Tom.

"Well, for starters you could stop throwing a million questions at me and try thinking for yourselves."

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