Sixty Two

52 6 38

Yeah, hi, just a little note saying there's smut- I'll always give a warning, cos I'd feel bad otherwise. You should find with each one, at least I personally think so when I write them, there's a deeper meaning/something different about each time so it's not repetitive.

That's for you to decide of course, but that's my take on writing as a whole. I want to be different, and so far I've produced this...story.

So, I guess thanks for sticking around cos it's not over yet. Far, far from it. 🙏❤️


The rest of the day was tiresome, even if there were enough scrumptious slices of fresh bread for lunch and dinner to keep stomachs happy and awake.

Leah was introduced to Steven's father, Victor Tallarico, who had exactly the same passion for music as his son, and it was quite an easy topic to listen to and ask questions about.

A few things were unpacked, showers taken, and when the evening rolled around, Steven got Liv ready for bed and read her a story. Dinner for four adults followed, but exhaustion understandably had the two travellers turning in for the night a lot earlier than normal.

Leah was tired. Steven was tired. But they still had a few things to talk about in the privacy of a bedroom, and one of them was a lot more enthusiastic about that prospect than the other.

"Steeevenn," Leah drawled happily, watching him strip from her comfortable position in his bed. "Did you get nervous when you tried introducing me to your mummy?"

A t-shirt hit the floor.

"Pshh, no."

"Are you suurree?"

Steven made no response, face down, avoiding the amused eyes that had waited the rest of the day to confront him.

He peeled off his socks, so he was left in a clean pair of boxers, took off the final pieces of his jewellery to place on his bedside table, and fluffed up his hair away from his eyes.

The duvet was lifted on the empty side, but Steven decided against climbing in at the last second, and unexpectedly flopped across her.

"Maybe," he mumbled, hugging her tight. "But I don't know why."

Leah touched the soft curls of his hair, squeezing her eyes shut from the butterflies that fluttered in her tummy. Her knees twitched too with the giddy feeling, and Steven curled more and more into her torso, burying his face from her view.

It was the reason why it took more than a moment to compose herself.

"It was very cute," she said, aware of the squished breathing that fanned up her neck. "Very cute."

Steven whined in protest, but he finally took a peek from his safety.

Showing his face revealed a delicious pout of his lips, sleepy features to look down into, and Leah found it funny how she was holding his awkwardly twisted body like a big baby across her lap. A position that must have been uncomfortable considering the majority of his legs dangled off the edge of the bed.

"Hi." Steven rubbed his eye with the back of his hand, smiling lazily.

She copied the low energy smile and stroked his hair again, because she adored how it felt between her fingers.

"Hi, oaf."

Sliding her palm down to his cheek, Leah swore his eyes were twinkling up at her, and in the soft lighting, she could see his face perfectly, particularly the darker shade around his mouth.

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