Forty Four

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You're probably all going to go: dUh Of CoUrSe tHaT wAs GoInG tO hApPeN! SmH... or GoD tHaT wAs So ObViOuS!! Yeah ikkk, but shush. Let me finish my silly plot so we can get to the cute moments, ok? ❤️❤️❤️


After successful persuasion, the determined duo became a quintet, and they followed the presumed footsteps of Will a little while earlier.

Their way in was surprisingly easy to locate because the nearest steel garage had been lifted up about one and a half metres off the ground. It was lopsided and had been propped open by a metal bar, but it was better than knocking at the front door, wherever that was.

"Because this is convenient," Brad muttered.

Tom nudged his shoulder. "Remember, Will went in before us. Could be his doing."

"I still don't like it."

"You got a better idea?"

"Stay in the car?"

"Come on," Leah urged, gesturing to them to duck underneath. "Quit your whining and let's go."

Reluctantly, they both obeyed and Leah followed close behind.

"How are you not scared?" Brad asked, once she had re-appeared inside.

"Oh, I'm absolutely terrified," she replied honestly, briefly looking around the white interior before setting her sights on Joe and Joey who had moved to the five yellow steps ahead to increase their level. "But, I'm following my gut."

There was an ajar door at the top of the steps, which they peered through first to check for activity, but they didn't need to see to confirm the eerie silence.

They pushed on, and once the five of them were through, they were staring at aisles and aisles of crates, a few shipping containers, and a lot of stacked boxes.

"Well shit." Joey flounced, slugging his shoulders.

It echoed everywhere, and caused a flicker of the bar lights that lined the high ceilings.

"Try not to get lost," Joe remarked nonchalantly, and peeled off down the closest aisle with his gun in hand. At least he could feel somewhat safe with a weapon.

"We're splitting up?" Tom retorted, in a raised pitch of his voice. "Don't you think we should stay together?"

"Shout if you need help. It's not like we won't hear you," was the echoey response.

"That is not reassuring!"

Brad moved out of the remaining line.

"I'm sticking with Joe. He's got the gun, even if I don't trust him with it."

With the guys faffing behind her, something about Tom having a pocket knife that had been conveniently left behind, Leah wandered over to the opposite side, looking up at the sheer height of the ceilings.

It was actually insane how much she had to crane her neck to see the top of the metal shelves, and the grooves of the rails that lined them. It meant she walked slowly to cover the distance in detail, and the squeak of her shoes on the shiny floor every other delayed step was a reminder of how undisturbed the air was.

Will, wherever he was in the complex- through a door, climbing to a second floor, descending to a hidden basement- could probably hear the subdued calls of Liv's name, but that was his fault for not putting handcuffs on them.

Rules like that were made to be broken.

When Leah reached the centre for the second time of her slow trek, she saw one of the guys disappearing around another corner on the other side. She guessed it was Tom, but he looked so small in the distance compared to the looming bulked goods around her, and the crates with the large letters of FRAGILE or THIS WAY UP constantly blinded her vision.

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