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"Leah, come on, you gotta get up."

"But I'm comfyyy, and you're so waarm."

"I don't care. If we're going to get to the airport on time, you need to get up now."

"Stayyy. We have loads of time."

The moment Steven's wrist was gripped and held deliberately tight to Leah's torso, he was nudging his nose into the back of her neck, and squeezing his eyes shut in defeat.

The alarm for seven had gone off some time ago, and whilst Steven had actually got up, he was somehow back in bed, cuddling Leah tightly and arguing against what he really wanted.

With his slack, left wrist stretched onto her pillow above her head, he was even mindlessly playing with her hair. As for his other hand, that was concealed in their warmth and being laced with lazy fingers, and Leah's muffled hum when she moved her feet to tangle with his ankles, had him wanting to turn off the light and go back to sleep.

Essentially, Steven was screwed.

However, he didn't submit to his desires, and he reclaimed his arm from underneath. It received a cute groan, but he continued to flick off the covers from his side, bounce onto his knees, and expose sleeping beauty.

"Nooo, Stevie please! Just five more minutes and I swear I'll get up."

A hand landed on his thigh, curling fingers bunched up his pyjama bottoms, and Leah's protesting roll onto her back exposed a band of skin on her tummy that he wanted to kiss.

"Please, I'm not asleep. All I have to do is get dressed and eat breakfast because I showered and packed ninety percent of my things last night."

Even though Leah said it all with her eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed, she did have a valid point. It probably wasn't going to take her two hours, and if anything, it was Steven who had to sort himself out, as well as his troublesome toddler, so he was ready to chauffeur to the airport.

"Fine," he conceded, but he left the navy sheets at their feet. "Five minutes."

Steven caught a glimpse of Leah's victorious smile when he settled down on his back, and he couldn't deny the peace he felt when she curled into his side with a bent arm resting on his chest.

He was comfortable stroking her lower back with his fingers, though, from how she occasionally shifted, it was tickling her. He was enticed into sleep, despite it being a tad cold, but he knew he was too comfortable because he was opening eyes that had drifted closed listening to Leah's gentle breathing over his beating heart.

In a panic, Steven reached over to his bedside and tapped the home button of his phone, and he was not best pleased to see it was almost half past seven and a lot longer than-

"That was longer than five minutes, wasn't it?"

When Steven dropped his phone, he was rolling Leah onto her back with a hand on her side, and whining into her torso.

"You're not supposed to be encouraging me to hold you hostage."


"Mhm, you're mine." He trailed three kisses up her chest, "Mine, mine, mine."

Leah was twirling a piece of his hair when he lifted his head, and he was falling in love with her sleepy smile there and then.

"I ain't no one's property."

A gentle flick to his nose and resorting to biting her lip, Steven wanted to groan at the sight, and if he did make a noise, it was masked by his face retreating down her front.

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