Ninety Seven

40 6 4

Twenty Second of December: Five Weeks Later

Steven had developed a hatred for alarms.

It was set rudely early for a reason, but until he was actually out of bed, a horror task in itself because it was winter and pitch black, he just wanted to sleep in.

"Mm-mm, don't turn me on," Steven said, taking the hand that had slipped underneath his boxers.

"Denying a blowjob? That's a first."

He knew it was to wake him up, because it wouldn't be the first time, and he shifted his sleepy limbs under the covers when Leah got up.

"Not by choice," he grumbled, turning onto his side. The bed had been left warm and inviting, and he took full advantage of being able to close his eyes again in a different position.

Leah sighed in frustration, yanking the duvet down.

"No, that doesn't mean go back to sleep again."

"Lea'me alooonne," Steven whined, tucking his knees up in response to being exposed to the cold.

He was too slow blindly trying to cover himself up again, missing with his grabbed hand, and received a pillow to the body.


"Steven." Leah thwacked him again, earning another prolonged grunt of pain. "Get up."

Steven made more incoherent noise at the abuse, but eventually swung his feet over the edge.

With narrowed eyes from sleep, heavily furrowed by a frown of disapproval, he made sure he was balanced before he started walking. Unfortunately, Leah must've thought he was time wasting and jumped on the bed to attack him from above.

"I'm up! Staap!" Steven covered his head with his arms, shooting her a glare. "Fucking meanie."

"Then get a wriggle on!"

He tried to surge forward and slap her leg, but Leah avoided his attack and continued to laugh at something he wasn't finding funny.

Defeated, Steven dragged his feet to the bathroom, fiddling with his crotch when he yawned because he was still half asleep, until he felt a soft, but firm impact hit his back.

"Hey!" His voice cracked when he turned around, and he looked down to see a pillow by his feet. "What was that for?"

Steven didn't get the pleasure of hearing Leah's reply, or throw the pillow back at her, because he was flat on his back, in bed, and his eyelids were fluttering from sudden bright light.

He was confused, swearing it had been real, but he was definitely lying in bed, and now, trying to shield his face.

"You gonna stay awake this time?" The duvet was pulled off him. "And good morning to you too..."

Amidst a groan, Steven looked down where an inconvenient hard-on was making a statement in his boxers, and sat up. He rubbed his eyes, yawning, and watched his girlfriend rub perfume into her wrists.

"You're dressed?" he asked, squinting awkwardly.

"Yeah," Leah replied obviously, grabbing a hairbrush. "I got up, and when you weren't replying to me, I realised you had fallen asleep again."

"Fuck," Steven muttered, reaching to tap his phone screen. "I swear my alarm only just went off."

"Yeah, fifteen minutes ago."

Steven slugged his shoulders, and reluctantly got out of bed. His hair was a mess when he raked a hand through it on the way to the bathroom, but a shower and double hair dryer treatment would fix him up before the radio show in the afternoon just fine.

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