Twenty Nine

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Ok so, I have a little word of warning/explanation...

For the last part of this chapter, I've based it off a personal, very recent and very scary experience that had never happened before to the extent it did. This is also the reason why this chapter means a lot to me and being able to reflect a little part of my life in my writing is something I'm quite excited to share with you. Obviously, I realise this isn't the most encouraging message to read and you won't know until you reach it, but I hope it highlights something important. ❤️❤️❤️

You can go read now Xxx
(I also apologise in advance for the monologuing but it's kinda necessary)


"So this is where you've been hiding."

Steven jolted awake, knee twitching in fright.

He was confused because he didn't remember drifting off at all, and when he blinked up at the person who had joined him under the protection of the evergreen, he froze.

"Can I sit?"

Naturally, Steven struggled with a reply because her voice was a crushing reminder of all the promises he had made. And staring up at her, head buried by a hood, shoulders bunched up and hands concealed in the front pocket, was enough to make him weaker than he already was.

"I-I uh...y-yeah," he stammered, hoping that he hadn't caused too much of an embarrassing delay.

Steven shuffled over clumsily, hiding his notebook with his leg, but he couldn't understand why Leah had no visible signs of throwing a fist at him. Then again, maybe he just hadn't provoked her yet.

"Are you not pissed at me?" Steven asked, voicing his demanding thoughts aloud.

A scoff, and Leah was pulling down her hood so he could see the corner of her mouth stretch with what could only be sarcasm.

He probably deserved a punch now.

"So not even a hi, how are you?"

Steven regretfully looked away, chewing on the inside of his cheek so he wouldn't be tempted to say something else that would make him feel stupid.

"I didn't think you'd want to talk to me," he said, the shame of their last encounter dawning over him once again.

"I don't really," Leah admitted, settling in between the tree roots, somewhere close to his left. "But, here I am."

The rain was heavier than it had been earlier, the droplets prominent on the surface of the pond, and with enough force to seep through the thick leaf cover above them.

Steven hadn't bothered changing from yesterday; he just added his leather jacket over his pale blue shirt for warmth, but with the presence of a looming conversation approaching, he didn't feel the comfort of the extra layer one bit.

"Are you okay?" Steven offered, tilting his head a fraction her way.

He waited patiently, and saw the strain wash over her features when she rested her head back against the rough bark. Her hair spilled out messily either side of her hood, and there were darker patches on her clothes from her trek in the rain. Then, she did the exact same, tilting her head towards him, and their eyes met somewhere in the middle.

"Yes...I'm okay," Leah replied, but it was as if she was unsure herself.

Steven's jaw ticked in acknowledgement, and he went back to focusing ahead. He did, however, drag his left leg up so his knee bent, because the rain kept hitting the same spot on his shin.

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