Sixty Six

44 7 26

Because I probably won't be able to update for a couple of weeks, here's a double. Of course I might magically return, but these were ready to publish soooo here we are.

As always, thank you for sticking with me whilst I write the longest book in history 😂❤️ (There is a happy ending, I promise!)


Since band practice ended awkwardly with Joey's departure, it was a miracle that Friday showed up as smoothly as it did.

Almost a week had flown by, an assumption that the trip to New Hampshire was expected to take up the majority of the second, and Leah still didn't know anything more than that there was a private cabin and a lake, and it would be just her and Steven.

The tension on Thursday hadn't affected them as such, although neither of them wished to bring it up on the journey home, but when there was a surprise to look forward to upstate, they had their own relationship to build and focus on.

It was going on ten by the time the car was packed and sorted, and although Steven's mood remained up in the way-out-o-sphere, the sight of his sad, onlooking daughter with her thumb in her mouth, teddy scrunched in her other hand, was more than enough to dim his excitement back down to current Earth.

Steven dropped to his knees on the driveway, and pulled Liv into his chest.

"I'll be back soon, blue," he promised, hugging her tight. "Be good for the oldies."

After a final luggage check, Leah appeared from the back of the car. She felt her own heart sympathise seeing the little girl's face buried on Steven's shoulder, and the reluctant parting when he handed Liv over to his mother.

"Have a good time, honey," Susan said, kissing his cheek. Victor added something similar, always looking proud to stand next to his wife and granddaughter.

"I will, don't worry." Steven then addressed Liv by hunching his shoulders together, and passing his thumbs on her cheeks to rid the unhappy frown. "I love you my baby girl. I'll be back before you know it."

With some gentle encouragement from Susan, Liv perked up.

"I lo'you, daddy," she muffled, into her teddy.

Such a sweet affection sent a smile to Leah's face, and the quack noise Steven responded with as well as tickling his knuckle under his daughter's chin, topped her moments that she had been lucky enough to witness with this family.

"Thank you so much for having me," Leah said gratefully, exposing her hands from her back jeans pockets.

Steven took a step back to join her side.

"It's been lovely meeting you." Holding an attentive Liv to her hip, Susan glanced at her husband. "I think I speak on behalf of both of us that you're welcome here any time."

An arm around Leah's waist appeared, an automatic reason to smile, and she found a mischievous sparkle in Steven's looking down on her.

There was always something inappropriate buzzing around his head, and it usually toyed his exceptionally crafted mouth in a subtle pull to one side.

For now though, Leah let the mystery of a man's lips slide.

"Well, we'll try and make something work, because I do really like it here."

"You make our boy very happy," Victor mentioned kindly. "So thank you, Leah."

"Dad don't, please," Steven complained, momentarily stricken with embarrassment. "But on that note, we should go."

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