Sixty One

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Joe did talk, having recovered from the absurdity of being on the receiving end of a Steven Tyler blow job, and politely asked generic questions about life.

As conversations went, Leah then rephrased them and asked them back, learning more about this guitarist as she did, and Steven adding unnecessary comments, furthered the comfort through humour. But since the three of them were equally tired and didn't have the energy to constantly talk, a mixture of looking out the windows and silence had them rolling into a quiet neighbourhood where the Tallarico residence was situated within the hour.

It was a lovely autumnal Saturday to start the trip, where tinted oranges and muddy yellows smudged the edges of the road, and it was one of the most spectacular arrays of colour Leah had ever seen.

She had stepped out of the Ford onto the spacious drive already occupied by a maroon sedan and Steven's car, and was immediately drawn to the slanted end where she could see mailboxes, freshly cut lawns, and picket fences up and down the quiet street in an atmosphere that was so different to back home.

Leah knew the boys were unloading the luggage behind her and she would have offered her help, but she was too in awe of the tranquillity. Arms looping around her waist stole her attention though, and she leaned back into a familiar chest from his fragrance alone, brushing the hairs on his arms.

"You like it?" Steven asked softly, resting the side of his face against her cheek.

"It's just so peaceful," Leah answered in disbelief, angling her head to kiss his smile. And then again, when his eyes continued to train downwards on her lips.

A car door closed behind them.

"Hey guys, I think I'll head off."

Joe walking down had their embrace slowly breaking apart.

"You sure? You can stay for a bit if you want," Steven offered, resting his hand on Leah's back.

Twiddling the keyring on his finger, Joe smiled at them. An expression that really did suit him, and probably just as joyously matched his laugh that was saved for special occasions to show he truly meant it.

"I'm alright," he settled, giving them a once over. "Tell Liv Uncle Joe says hi."

Steven moved first to wrap him up in a hug. All patting with his hands. No room for anything but love between them, and it showed from the way they held each other alone.

Leah was next, careful with how she slung an arm around his shoulders and let the other touch his back. She hadn't hugged Joe before, but he was a nice height and smelled a lot fresher than the air travel that lingered on her clothes.

"It's so good to see you, Joe," Leah said fondly, pulling away to address the brown eyes that looked like they could use a good rest.

"You too." Joe gave a crooked smile, tapping her elbow as he let go. "I'll see you both soon?"

"Yeah, man," Steven agreed, once they were a trio again. They slowly walked back up to the cars. "I'll give you a call or something in a couple of days when we're settled."

"Great." Joe nodded at him, and then bounced the fob of his key in the air. "Oh, and by the way, you two look really happy together. After everything, I think you both deserve that."

Leah broke into a shy smile. She was already next to Steven again, and was holding his hand that dangled from the same arm that rested over her shoulders. Sliding his rings to knuckles and back down, and bashfully looking at the kind smile that belonged to the man ahead of her.

"Safe drive, Joe," Steven said, but the fondness and appreciation was clear in his voice. "And thank you again, for getting us."

"Anything for you, man," was the humble reply, and Joe stole one last glance at them before retreating to the driver's seat. "Enjoy yourselves, seriously."

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