Ninety Six

46 6 12

*Mature Content*

Seventeenth of November: Four Months Later

Having a winter birthday had its flaws, like it was dark when Leah left the house for work, and darker when she got home. And it was the same this year, except Duxbury was also absolutely freezing, and there was an early system of snow forecast, which was bound to be added stress rather than enjoyment.

For now though, late evening on a weekday, starving for dinner, Leah only cared about getting inside a warm house.

She hadn't spoken to Steven or Liv at all, because she had left when they were both still sleeping, but it was so she could dismiss her birthday when things weren't panning out like she had envisioned.

Twenty eight years of age. An entire year since Dream On was released, and a time where she was single, starting her own family non-existent, and she was accepting she would never end up with Steven by her side.

"Steven?" Leah called out, walking into the kitchen.

With a quiet house in response, clock ticking on the wall, she dumped her bag and took off her coat.

Not that the house was ever dirty, but she noticed surfaces were sparkling, and everything was tucked away in their homes. The floor had been hoovered and mopped. Even the laundry was done, though in fairness to Steven he usually took that responsibility because he was always outside maintaining the garden. This time of year, not so much, but the airer had been put away so he must have taken cleaning duties very seriously.

So, assuming Steven was either asleep or in the shower, and Liv was definitely in bed by now, Leah warmed up her dinner in the microwave, alone. Leftovers were nothing special, but eating on her knees in front of the tv with no interruptions had become a bit of a treat.

She got about half way through a hotchpotch of potato, beef, and veg, before a set of rushed footsteps bundled down the stairs.

"Hey." Steven was smiling the moment he appeared, wasting no time to jump on the sofa next to her. "You're home."

Leah just about managed to hold her plate to the side, but the cutlery slipped when she was hugged.

"Hello, where were you?" She finished chewing, and a strong scent hit her nose that wasn't her food. "Wow, you smell good."

Steven lifted his head, sitting normally instead of half on her.

"Getting ready," he said, adjusting his dressing gown over his knees.

"For what?" Leah curiously eyed the bare shins and bare feet, which was obscene for the temperature outside. The gown was too tightly tied at his chest to see whether or not he was wearing something underneath.

"You'll see."

The innocent nature made her shake her head, lowering her plate into her lap.

"No, nuh-uh no surprises."

"Weeelll tough."

Steven was acting too smug, facing forward to watch the tv with his feet up, light falling perfectly across the side of his face, hair curlier and longer, and radiating with his musc ravageur spray.

Leah didn't pester for details, although she finished her dinner with a keen interest trying to work out what her surprise was, and that her birthday was apparently an occasion for Steven to dress down for.

"Please tell me what you're up to."

"Nope," Steven denied, taking her plate and glass.

Leah watched the back of him saunter away into the kitchen, and it wasn't until lights were going off and the tv screen went black, that she realised how far slouched she was into the couch.

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