Sixty Seven

54 8 42

Two Hours Later: Lake Sunapee

"So, what did you think?"

Steven turned off the engine, impressed by the nods of his head.

"They're good, yeah. Great drumming. Actually, really fuckin' great."

Leah unclipped her seatbelt, swivelling towards him so her knees were pushed together. She didn't, however, manage to get a word in.

"Though, next time I want to hear you sing. I could tell you knew the lyrics."

"Um no." Leah's laugh was nervous, and she averted her eyes to the beautiful location they had arrived at for an escape. "Absolutely not. I can't sing for love nor money."

Steven squinted, twisted his mouth with an unconvinced hum, and leaned over. His closer presence and the waft of his cologne from the movement had returned her attention back into the car anyway, but the palm sliding on her cheek focused her on the teasing kiss that was just about nudged to her lips.

Leah was embarrassed, felt warm in the face, even more so with the thumb spreading the blush, but it didn't stop her from the clumsy lunge to kiss him properly.

She felt Steven smile, the soft rush of air escaping his nose, but when she was about to touch his chest for more stability, her eyes were rudely fluttering open because he had pulled away.

She was left to watch the tip of his tongue sweep between his dampened lips, a sight that she would pay to see in slow-motion.

"Wanna go inside?"

Steven's voice alone gave her butterflies, and his thumb moved to trace the outline of her mouth and gently tug down the right corner. Everything about the way his fingers had curled and scratched into her hair at the back of her neck, palm safe on her cheek, was making her dazed in his beauty.

"Yes," Leah responded faintly.

Steven expressed his satisfaction joyously, and retreated to his own side to exit the car.

Leah did too, first composing herself with a single deep breath and rubbing her fingers down either side of her nose, but she was crunching the gravel with her shoes, and standing on the grounds of Trow Rico.

The fresh air was peaceful, and the stretch of her arms and back from being cooped up in a car was incredibly relieving. In doing so, she acknowledged the casual observations from her wonderful company who had just stopped what he was doing.

Steven leaned on his forearms on top of the car, hands laced together, and his eyes were trained downwards to the band of skin she was revealing from her interrupted stretch.

When he bit his lip, it gave her a brilliant idea.

Under a pair of watchful eyes, Leah slowed, having made her way over to him, and trapped him against the car so his elbow nudged the side mirror.

Pushing into his crotch was dangerous, especially when she knew what was concealed in his jeans, as was running her hands up the creases of his baggy sweater to his shoulders, but Steven was playing the game just as much as she was.

Every expression he made was bragging and leading, and watching her currently was both of those things.

Steven hummed.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

Leah didn't hesitate to kiss his smirking mouth that had drifted closer. She knocked his knees trying to push into him again, and wanted to feel the response of kissing him too deeply for the intentions to go unnoticed.

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