Thirty Four

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In honour of reaching 1k reads, which I genuinely can't believe, I'm posting again and most likely on Sunday toooo!!! Thank you for the support and for sticking with me this far, and (hopefully) you will continue to the end, whenever that may be! ❤️❤️❤️


Hormones. They were the reason Leah felt odd.

It was a slap in the face because she had forgotten to track them, and they were doing their absolute best altering her normal self. She didn't ask them to, and under no circumstance did she give them permission, but they functioned on their own, and now she had to deal with them with four guys.

Life really couldn't get any better than that.

Leah waited for her window of opportunity and appeared in the hallway when Tom was shrugging on his jacket. It was not the most ideal situation, but he seemed mature enough to understand, and hopefully save her from the dreaded words.

"Heyy Tom, do you think I could join you?"

He paused, midway pulling on his sleeve.

"Do you think I could ask why?"

There was never going to be a straight yes answer, much to her disappointment, so she sent him a disapproving look to get him to answer properly.

"If you've thought of something, I'll just add it to the list," he offered, having resumed the adjustment of his jacket by untucking his collar.

Leah sighed. "Look, I appreciate you wanting to keep me here, but I sort of need some...things."

"I can get them for you. It's not a big deal."

She winced at his fast paced, oblivious answers. It was becoming an anxious hassle.

"Mm, I don't think you would be comfortable."

"What do you mean?" he asked, teasing a confused, lopsided smile. "Of course I would."

She wanted to kick herself. Slap herself to just say the words, because he clearly wasn't getting it. Mentally, she was already applying the beating, but she had had faith that he would have grasped on by now.

The pitiful confusion said otherwise.

"Think Tom," Leah told him sternly. "Think."

Telepathy worked its silent magic, and his expression changed in slow-motion.

"Oh! Oh yeah uh- yeah. Yeah okay, you might wanna..." Tom was pointing between himself and her.

"Come along?" Leah guessed, raising her brows. "Yeah, I think that's best."

Grabbing her own shoes from the rack, she crouched on one knee to lace them up, well aware of the fact she might have scarred Tom with embarrassment.

"Uh-I, hang on. I won't be a second."

"What? Tom?"

Baffled at his urge to run back into the depths of the house, Leah resumed tying her laces, and stood poised for his return.


Tom looked a little less embarrassed when he appeared. He even had his hands held out apologetically.

"I just wrote a note and stuck it on the fridge. Saves us having to find them outside and tell them you're with me."

Leah was stunned.

"So you thought of that fast enough but not...this?"

He shrugged at her point to the ground, long arms dangling by his sides.

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