One Hundred And Three

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"I know what you're doing."

"I'm not doing anything, baby."

Leah shifted again, increasingly conscious about the hand massaging her thigh when they didn't have the privacy where such actions were acceptable.

No one was looking, because Brad was cradling Enzo which had Joe and Tom distracted, and Liv was yabbering away to Joey about the most random of things, but it wasn't an excuse for some handsy fun.

"Steven," Leah hissed, slamming her hand on top of his to stop it moving when his thumb explored up her shorts. "Don't."

Apart from the little smirk, Steven was acting like he wasn't trying it on in the living room with two kids, and five other adults taking residence on furniture or sprawled on the floor. Even if he and Leah were side by side on the furthest side of the swish, velvety grey corner sofa, Steven's foot should not have been hooking around her ankle and giving it a little rub.

Circling his fingers into her thigh again, his touch was driving her insane, a fever dream making her burn up because she was enjoying it, and pushing her knees together was to put a stop to the graphic thoughts flashing across her mind.

It didn't help Steven had leaned in closer, eyes still focused ahead, and a breath of silent air escaped his lips before he spoke filth for her hearing only.

"I think..."

Jaw tight, Leah didn't make a single sound when he nipped a kiss under her ear. It was only accessed because her hair was clipped up, but Steven would always find an inch of skin to put his lips against and work a bit of seducing magic there.

"We should go upstairs, hm?"

"I," Leah whispered forcefully, placing his wrist into the vicinity of his own lap. "Don't think we should."

"Enzo! Hi, my man! Aren't you the sweetest little boy?"

Thankfully, Tom's adorable reaction when it was his turn to hold Enzo, put an end to the inappropriate behaviour.

"But, I'm going to warn you now, your parents love gettin' it on so if you catch them in the future-"

"Correction. Steven loves getting it on." Leah should've known better than to come out with such a blame heavy statement, but she was embarrassed for being caught.

"It takes two to tango."


"Yes, you." Since the squeaky voice of Steven was louder, Leah addressed his innocence first, and then flicked her eyes to the bassist sitting cross-legged in front of the fireplace, once more to correct his comment. "He was touching me, Tom."

"Yeah," Steven scoffed. "Like you weren't enjoying it..."

There was an urge to elbow his slouched posture, because she would probably connect with an area that would hurt.

"Actually, if you could keep all...that in private, it would be greatly appreciated." Brad stretched out his legs, gesturing awkwardly about what to call the footsie and fondling.

Joe was already laughing quietly, leaning into one side of the arm chair so his guitarist partner could rest his back against a portion of it. He adjusted the pale pink gripped headband that was pulling his hair back, the same colour that matched his pastel shorts, and it only showed off his blessed hairline and brought out his facial features even more.

"What's so funny, Princess Josephine?" Steven demanded, choosing this reaction to feel most offended by.

"That's a new one," Brad chuckled, setting down his glass to his side again. "You wanna make a note of that, Tom?"

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