Chapter 26

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Thank you guys so much for understanding I appreciate all the support :)

Chapter 26:

The time was now 5:46 PM. You were on your way to meet Dave at the pizzeria. The whole drive you were deep in thought, could I even trust Spring trap? Why did he lie about his identity? Is Dave even his name? But the thing you wanted to ask most of all was, why was Spring trap pretending to like me? Maybe to gain my trust.

You pulled into Fazbears Frights, and immediately you had recognized the figure standing in front of it, Dave.

Walking over to Dave, you couldn't help but roll your eyes. How could Spring trap act so well? You were still in shock that an animatronic could do such a thing. Approaching Dave, he gave you a sly smirk. Like Spring trap had always done. At this point, you began to connect all their similarities.

"Hey doll, long time no see." Dave said with the cheekiest smile ever.

"Is Dave even your real name?" You asked rolling your eyes. Dave laughed and answered a few seconds later.

"Of course not, let's go." What. How much could this man lie about?! You groaned as you followed Dave towards the back of the pizzeria.

"Where are we even going?" You asked bluntly, still angry at Dave.

He looked back at your clearly annoyed face, "I'm showing you where I'll be staying when the place burns down."

"Why do you even need to hide out? You have a human form, or whatever this is." Now your face turned into a more confused look. Dave only gave a light chuckle.

"Because people would recognize me, darling." He answered as if you were some dumb child, asking questions. The two of you continued walking and were now deep into the woods.

"Okay, but like what do you even plan on doing? What about food? Money? Ev-" you were interrupted by Dave.

"I'll get that from you, of course." I never agreed to this.

"What?! You think I get paid enough to pay for you! I barely can afford rent!" Who does this guy think he is?

"There's a sister location opening up. You can work there." He answered slightly aggravated.

The two of you finally reached the place Dave was talking about. It was a big house, at least 2 floors, more than you had. It was a light purple color, and it looked as if it belonged to a wealthy family. You looked over at Dave who let out a sigh. He didn't seem as pleased as you were.

"How do you know about this place?" The house looked like it hadn't been touched in years. Dave's gaze shifted over to yours and he had a sad expression on his face.

"I used to live here." Live here? This house wasn't made for one person...

"You lived here alone? You must've been loaded!" You chuckled but Dave only gave you a fake smile.

"Not alone, darling. I had a family." So that's what he meant by being recognized...

"Really? How come you've never tried to reach out to them?" His eyes looked down at the floor, and it looked like shame had flooded onto his face.

"Most of them are dead. The rest loath me." He answered in a soft tone. You wanted to ask more, but you didn't want to push. The silence ended a few seconds after, when Dave started walking inside the house. You quickly followed behind.

Walking in, the place actually looked well kept. The only messy things were the dirt, and the fact that the house hadn't been cleaned in years. Dust was everywhere. Dave looked around in astonishment and you couldn't help but do the same. The place was like a dream home for a family. You wished you could've lived like this as a kid.

"Wow, this place is really nice..." Dave gave you a grin.

"Yep. That's what owning a pizzeria gets you." He chuckled.

"Oh, so that part wasn't a lie." You answered bluntly.

He chuckled, "Most things I said to you weren't lies." What about the dates?

"What's your real name..?" He looked hesitant to answer you, but when his eyes met yours he blurted it out.

"William Afton." That name sounds familiar...

"Wait, Afton?" You had realized the phantoms had warned you about someone named Afton. He said he had kids, though. Maybe they meant him.

"Yes. Do you recognize the name?" He asked with a worried tone. Even his face could show that he was scared. But you couldn't recall what the phantoms told you that night. It seemed so long ago.

"Yes...the phantoms said something about it, but I don't remember what..." his eyes widened and you had just realized what you told him.

"The phantoms spoke to you?"

FNaF Change Awakens (spring trap x reader)Where stories live. Discover now