Chapter 28: 'Oblivion'

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(A/n: 'Hey you, yeah you there, you want some candy? Well, here it is. Don't worry, it won't break your teeth, maybe rot them, probably crack them a little. You never saw me here. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)'  )

The anniversary of the plex was coming up soon, and it was for some TLC around here for the occasion. 

The company had ordered a new device as a gift for the place. An automatic hand unit to aid mechanics in maintenance work with the animatronics. 

So using this time the animatronics were scheduled to get some well-needed upgrades for the occasion. Roxanne and Montgomery have already completed their upgrades. Roxy getting new eyes and Monty getting new claws for his bass. Chica was to get her new voicebox today and Freddy was to get his upgrade sometime before the anniversary gala. 

Getting the preparations ready was extremely stressful, well, more stressful than usual. Especially with your family moving away, giving you the home you grew up in to own yourself. Your mom, dad, and Gregory would be packing up and leaving soon, it was bittersweet. 

 "Come now dear, you should take a break, don't want you falling into a coma on me now we?~" Freddy hummed as he began massaging your shoulders. 

"Hah hah, very funny Yogi." You rolled your eyes with a smirk. 

"You've been calling me the names of other fictional bears all day! What's up with that?" Freddy asked, full of curiosity.  

"Oh, it's just a little game I made to pass the time today! I'm trying to see how many bear characters I can name by the end of the day." You answered. 

"Did you once say Freddy Fazbear? That counts!" 

"Alright, Smokey." 

"If I'm Smokey, then it seems that I'll have to keep you away from the forest, don't want you causing a fire now, do we?~" He winked at you, your jaw dropping to the floor at how smooth that line was. 

"Don't you ever say something like that again, Baloo!" You Pointed at him, a soft blush spreading across your cheeks as the animatronic bear moved a stray hair behind your ear. 

"Okay, I won't." Freddy smiled softly. "At least not out of bed." 

"LIL JOHN!" You screeched, Freddy roaring with laughter at your flustered state. 

Suddenly, the moment was ruined by a group of mechanics rushing into the room. They looked panicked. 

"Ms. L/n! Come quick! Something went wrong with Chica's voice box insertion!" One of them exclaimed. 

"What?!" You shot up, running towards them. "What happened?!" 

"We're not completely sure but, what we do know is that, she can't sing! Every time she tries to, everything goes haywire! And we don't mean her, we mean every electric thing in the area!" 

"This is not good! She could get into restricted rooms that are' voice-activated only' for entry if this isn't fixed!" 

"Alright, take me to her. We'll make sure to place signs near every voice-activated entryway to make sure she avoids those areas." You ordered, walking into the crowd. "Wait, is this everyone?"

"Yes, we called for all hands on deck for this."

"Is there anyone watching over the other animatronics?" You asked.

"Yes, Daniel Grayson is watching Fizzy like always, Roxanne is being watched by Ms. Williams, and some, 'cowboy' with clearance from the boss is watching Montgomery..." 

'Year: 198?' Glamrock Freddy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now