Chapter 35: 'The Old Face Of A New Friend'

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(NOTICE: The events in this chapter are to remain within the boundaries of this chapter ONLY. No spoilers for new readers OR any HINTS that would lead a new reader to think of the events in this chapter being a possibility. Thank you, and enjoy.)

"Okay, he should be fixed up enough to wake up. Let's try it out..." You yawned as you walked over to a switch across the maintenance room. Using a bit of force you used your body weight to push the leaver down. Bolts of lightning shooting out of the wires that connected into your patient. You waited for a moment after the smoke cleared for a result. No dice. "Come on Monty, wake up for me! I know you're in there somewhere!"

Your little begging session was cut with a shy knock on the wall behind you.

"Arnold?" You peeped, raising a brow at the cowboy that stood there, holding his hat against his chest.

"Howdy..." He greeted, taking a few quiet steps over to to you. "Um, I was wondering, if, you needed any help? I may not know much about robots or anything but, I can tell the difference between a flathead and a regular nail."

"So Freddy told you that one huh?" You chuckled as you handed the man a clipboard.

"He told me the whole story about how the two of you first met." Arnold hummed as he took a seat at the giant desk where the animatronic gator laid, unconscious and only halfway fixed with spare parts. "The moment he finally got his memory back, he just started rambling!"

"It's nice to finally have him back, you know?" You sighed happily.

"I bet it is. The two of you seem pretty close..." Arnold teased as he bumped his shoulder against yours. "I would have called you a freak for dating him, if it weren't for him being fully sentient."

"You know, I think about that every day." You, pursed your lips in focus with Monty's wiring.

"Actually, I have a question to ask." the cowboy began, he seemed pretty nervous.

"Yeah?" You looked at him, giving him your full attention.

"Are you, okay, with all of this? With me?"

You placed your tools down with a sigh, and turned your full body to face him.

"Arnold, look at me in the eyes." You ordered as he looked directly at you. "I said look at me in the eyes!"

"I am!" He huffed.

"Not through those tinted ass goggles! I want to see YOUR eyes, YOUR FACE."

He froze as lightly grasped the tips of his fingers over the strap of his goggles reluctantly.

"No, I can't..." He breathed out, as if he were about to have a panic attack right then and there. "I CAN'T!-"

You grasped his gloved hand, his head shooting in your direction.

"Arnold, you don't have to hide anything from me. I know everything now, remember?" You reassured, softly. "I'm sorry if I came off a little too insensitive. I'm still trying to work on that..."

'Year: 198?' Glamrock Freddy X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن