Eleven: According to the Plan, You're Wrong

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Valentino tightened the tie around his neck before walking back into his wardrobe, grabbing a watch and securing it on his wrist. Before leaving his room, he grabbed the gun off of the nightstand and tucked it in his waistband, along with the dagger in his pocket. He closed the door behind him, locking it and then strolled down the stairs, heading towards the foyer where he told Ivy to wait. Hopefully she got rid of her attitude and would listen to him tonight. He was not messing around with her silly mistakes tonight.

As he walked down the last two stairs, his gaze locked up with Ivy's who was standing with five other men. The mission tonight was more dangerous and involved more people. "Ivy." He nodded, grabbing her hand and walking her outside to the car.

"Mr. Black." She replied. It was uncommon for her to call him by his first name but he didn't mind it. It was formal in a way. As if she knew her place. They climbed in the car and the driver revved the engine, soon driving off to the location and with five other cars right on their trail.

"I need you to listen to me tonight. No silly business, just stick to the plan, got it?" Valentino questioned and Ivy nodded her head, fidgeting with the hem of her dress. "Words, Princess."

"Yes." Ivy sighed out, dropping the dress and staring out of the car window. Soon they arrived at the location and he held onto her hand, ushering her outside with him. They continued to walk down an alleyway until they came to a flickering neon sign. Outside of the door were two security men and they moved out of their way, nodding their heads and allowing Valentino to walk through without saying a word.

Ivy recited the plan in her head. Sit and listen to Valentino's meeting and then threaten the Japanese to sell their shipment to Valentino. Avoid any hiccups with the Italian, the ones dealing with weaponry. Valentino made it very clear that he didn't want any trouble with the Italian Mafia. They walked down a flight of stairs and music began to bounce off of the walls, growing louder and louder with each step they took. Suddenly Ivy was blinded by laser spotlights and the room was tinted red with LED lights. She glanced around the room to see dozens of men, accompanied by some women at booths drinking and then her attention flickered to the several naked women dancing on tables and swinging around poles. It was an underground strip club and probably an illegal one at that.

But who was she kidding? Why would Ivy suddenly begin to worry about the law when she killed people for a living? Not to mention she was now working for Valentino, only dragging herself into darker, illegal activities. Valentino had a firm hold on Ivy's wrist but she couldn't care less. The greedy looks on the men's faces and knowing that they were most likely armed, wasn't a scene she wanted to be left alone in. They walked through the club, heading down a long and dark corridor till they made it to another closed door with another two security guards standing outside.

Valentino nodded his head sharply and they entered the room. It was a completely different mood set in the room. The only light was the chandelier hanging in the center of the room and there was a large round table with about six men already sitting around it. Most of them were accompanied by women sitting on their laps, wearing close to nothing and Ivy looked away, hoping she didn't have to become Valentino's 'whore' for the night.

"Aye! Valentino! Long time no see, bastard. How are things?" A man who looked to be in his fifties grinned, standing up and walking towards them. Valentino let go of Ivy's hand to return the handshake and then introduced her.

"I must say boy, you do have great taste in women." He snickered and Ivy looked away, uncomfortable. Inside, she wanted to rip his eyeballs and cut his balls off and make him choke on them but Valentino strongly warned her to behave and she wasn't planning on having her head on his chopping block tonight.

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