Forty Five: Raining Bullets

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The rest of the dinner passed and while the noise of the city never seemed to quiet down, Ivy found herself in a peaceful state of mind. Her and Valentino were both having a glass of wine when the noise of a phone ringing caused Valentino to stop mid sentence. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and frowned at Joseph's name on the screen.

"What do you want? I'm busy."

"You need to get your ass outta there right now." Joseph snapped.

"What are you fucking talking about?"

Suddenly there was a bang and both Ivy and Valentino stood up abruptly.

"The agency she fucking worked for have had eyes on you two for the past three months! They're here to get her. I got a chopper that's five minutes away, can you fight them off until then?" Joseph shouted through the phone and Valentino cursed under his breath.

"Oh for fucks sake!" He hung up the phone and grabbed Ivy's arm, rushing behind an air vent. Everything happened in a whirlwind, Valentino pulled out his gun and Ivy grabbed her dagger, her hand gripping it tightly, ready to slash anyone who dared to come their way. Two men ran up the stairs, pushing the door open and while Valentino shot the other, Ivy lunged forward, holding one in a chokehold before slicing his throat open. The echo of more footsteps flooded the air and Ivy bent down, snatching the gun from the dead man's body, firing bullets at the other two that ran up the stairs. But as soon as they killed two, more would come and they were quickly running out of ammo and losing the upper hand.

Suddenly another two men appeared but instead of aiming their guns at Ivy and Valentino, they shot a man that was lurking behind. "How far away is that fucking chopper?!" Valentino yelled out and the man held up two fingers.

Two minutes.

120 seconds.

And many more enemies to defeat.

Suddenly a masked figure appeared with three men following behind him. Ivy began to shoot but then quickly realised that they were all wearing bullet proof vests. Before she could register what was happening, two men rushed towards her, lunging forward and dragging her to the floor. Her head hit the floor with a heavy thud and Ivy groaned, blinking away the fuzziness. And then Valentino roared in pain, clutching his right shoulder as he aimlessly fired rounds of bullets. Ivy stabbed one of the men in the throat, blood gargling out of his mouth and the cut, spraying over her face as she tried to fight them off. But they were too strong, they were like pests, when one went down, another three would appear. Valentino and Ivy were overpowered and Ivy couldn't look away as two people towered over Valentino, throwing punches to his face as he spat out blood.

"Get the fuck off him!" Ivy cried, trying to free herself from the grip two men had on her. And then the masked man stood in front of Valentino, cracking his knuckles before he took his turn beating Valentino.

"Stop! Stop, please! Fucking stop!" The masked man snapped his head towards Ivy and motioned for his two men to bring her forward. She stumbled on her dress and heels, staring at the bloody sight of Valentino's godly face. The leader removed his mask and smirked down at Ivy.

"S-Sean? Aren't you supposed to be like- dead?" She muttered, stunned to see the man standing in front of her. Last time she heard about him was from his failed mission in Australia and that he had "died" but he was clearly doing just fine.

"It's lovely to see you too, babe."

Valentino choked out a laugh and looked at Ivy, raising his eyebrows in question. "Babe, huh?"

"Everyone thought you were dead."

Sean bent down, running his fingers down her face and along her jaw. "You know what working for the agency is like, Ivy. The only way to make it out alive is to play dead. So I faked my own death. Oh, but then I heard through the grapevine that this fucker over here kidnapped you and I knew for a fact that you would find that as a blessing. You told me so many times that you wanted to leave and, well, you got what you wanted without having to risk anything. Now, I couldn't let you run off. They issued out bounties to find you. And I couldn't miss the opportunity so I came back from the dead just to chase after you, love."

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