Fifty Six: Words with Meaning

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It was a bizarre feeling being back at the estate. Especially because of the reason why they had to come back. Ivy missed the view of the city but she couldn't deny the tight hug of safety and security when they stepped foot back at the house. Valentino's surgery was successful and he had been sleeping for the past two days.

Ivy sat in the chair next to the bed, the colors of the tv bouncing off the furniture in the room. Turned out that Valentino had a hospital wing in the estate with staff and wards and a theater room where he underwent his surgery.

Ivy hadn't got much sleep over the past few nights and she refused to leave Valentino's side. On the first night, after Valentino returned from his operation, Joseph ushered Ivy to head to their room so she could get a much needed rest but she wouldn't budge.

Valentino lay in the bed, his body still as Ivy watched him, the sound of the heart monitor constantly beeping in the background. Sometimes she'd find herself watching the monitor, the neon green line buzzing up and down. When her eyes would drop and sleep would wash over her, she'd wake up gasping for air, frightened that the machine would make the nightmare sound of his heart failing.

The afternoon sun shone through the large window and overlooked the west side of the estate, tall oak trees painted bright reds and yellows amid the autumn season. Suddenly Ivy jumped at the familiar touch on her hand. His large, warm hand captured hers, squeezing tightly as Ivy averted her gaze from the window to a waking Valentino.

"Mmm... Princess." He groaned, his voice husky and his eyelids heavy.

"Y-you're awake." Ivy mumbled, turning her head away and gently tugging her hand from his. Everything suddenly washed over her in a tsunami. The reality of finding him bleeding out in her arms and the chaos that the incident created.

"What's wrong?" Valentino questioned, slowly pushing himself up into a sitting position. "Ivy, don't ignore me."

Wiping the large tear that rolled down her cheek, Ivy looked over at him. "You almost died, Val. In my fucking arms."

"I didn't die. I'm still here ain't I? I'm not that easy to kill, Princess."

Something in Ivy ticked and anger bubbled within. "I hate the way you make me feel. I-I was actually scared that you wouldn't make it. That I would be left alone." Ivy sobbed, her hands shaking in anger. She couldn't tell what made her angry. The fact that she cared for Valentino much more than she had for anyone else in her life or the fact she was sitting in front of him, admitting her feelings and showcasing her feelings on a silver platter for him.

Valentino was quiet for a mere second, a frown planted on his face. "Come here, Princess." He nudged, nodding his head. With a loud sigh, Ivy stood up and gently climbed onto the hospital bed. Her leg intertwined with Valentino's as she rested her head on his chest and his arm locked protectively around her.

"I keep replaying the other night in my head. I haven't been able to sleep properly because every time I close my eyes, y-you're gone. And all I could do was sit there and watch."

Valentino wiped away a tear with his thumb and brushed his lips against her head. "I'm sorry, Ivy. I really am. I would tear apart the world for you just so you never feel outta place again. I'd hide you in a castle, somewhere far away and beautiful so that danger couldn't even breathe near you. If you asked for all the stars and the moon in the night sky, I'd pull them down just for you. I'd do anything to not lose you and God forbid if I did die, I'd be one hell of a selfish man and take you down with me. Ain't no way I'm living in the afterlife without your ass. You're mine. Always and forever, Princess."

"You talk a big game, Mr. Black. Let's see if you can live up to those words."

Valentino smirked and kissed Ivy's forehead as his thumb caressed her jaw. Just as Ivy was about to pull him in for a kiss, a nurse came in with a silver tray and what looked to be painkillers.

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