Thirty Nine: Five Minutes is All We Need

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Spring had arrived and the snow that blanketed the grounds of the estate had melted away, leaving no evidence of the cold winter months. Valentino had a mission planned and invited Ivy along. The weather was warm as Ivy took a seat in the golf cart, waiting for Valentino to arrive back with his guest or in Ivy's mind, the target.

Mr. Wyatt was an elderly white man that thought making sexist jokes about women was the funniest thing in the world. It hadn't even been an hour and he was already eyeing Ivy up like she was some sort of meat. Mr. Wyatt had no filter at all and was a male that demanded respect from everyone around him but couldn't go five minutes without making a comment about women.

The first thing he said to Ivy when they arrived was: "Mr. Black doesn't know that you belong in the kitchen?" He thought it was hilarious but the glare Ivy sent Valentino showed that it was nowhere near funny and that Mr. Wyatt was going to end up dead sooner rather than later.

Valentino arrived back with two glasses of whisky, offering Ivy one and she thanked him. He walked around to the other side and followed Mr. Wyatt, heading out onto the golf course.

"You look irritated." Valentino mumbled, glancing at Ivy.

"I am irritated. The sooner this old asshole ends up dead, the better."

"Stick to the plan Ivy. We have a set time we need to follow and I don't want any fuck ups, okay?" He muttered, gripping the steering wheel tighter.

Ivy rolled her eyes, bringing her lips to the glass and swallowing the remaining alcohol. "No promises."

Valentino suddenly latched his hand around Ivy's thigh and squeezed. "I'm dead serious, Princess. I got a lot of money on the line and I won't be a happy man if it doesn't go my way." He muttered, leaning closer to Ivy.

"Fine. Whatever."

The golf cart came to a stop and Ivy hopped out, walking up to the tee with Valentino. The old man didn't waste any time, already sending a golf ball flying down the fairway. Next it was Valentino's turn and when he offered the golf club to Ivy, she shook her head, deciding to not participate in their game and would rather just watch.

The afternoon sun rolled over the hills and Ivy looked over at the carpark to see most of the visitors gone and the only cars left being Mr. Wyatt's vehicle and three black SUV's. That meant that they were close to finishing and soon the mission would happen.

Ivy didn't count how many rounds they played but as they got closer to the country club, she knew they were almost finished. She climbed out of the parked cart and Valentino stood next to her while they waited for the old man to hit.

Valentino stood behind Ivy, his chin resting on her shoulder and his hands on either side of her hips. He rolled the golf ball in his hand, gently brushing away strands of her hair as he scattered delicate kisses along her neck. Ivy sighed, enjoying the soft touch of his lips brushing against her hot skin. She squirmed in his hold when he replaced the pecks with sucking, nibbling at her skin and Ivy let out a shaky breath.

"S-stop." She sighed, fluttering her eyes closed for a brief moment. She blinked them open at the sound of the golf ball being hit and Mr. Wyatt stood in his spot, watching where his hit was going.

"Oops. Could you pick that up for me, Princess?" Valentino smirked as he dropped the ball on the ground. Ivy frowned but bent down, picking the golf ball up in front of her when she felt something poke her ass. Her cheeks flushed red knowing exactly what it was and she bit her bottom lip.

"Argh, not close enough to the green. Well son, it's your turn." Mr. Wyatt spoke, turning around as Valentino let go of Ivy. As Valentino teed up, eyeing down the fairway and practising his swings, Ivy stood underneath the shade, studying Valentino's face and body parts to see if it was showtime.

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