Thirty Six: Monsters on Land and in Sea

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Valentino woke up to an empty bed. It was early morning and there was a cold feeling that washed through the master bedroom, like he missed waking up next to Ivy. Something he would never have thought he'd find himself enjoying. Sharing a bed with someone.

His words last night were harsh but he knew that they'd push her away. Back to the place he wanted her to stay in. A place where she can't affect his mind and every move without the thought of her running through his mind.

Groaning, he stretched his arms out and dragged himself out of bed. It was only the morning yet the air was humid and the sun shone brightly, predicting that it was going to be a hotter day than yesterday. He strolled through the empty house, casting his eyes through the rooms in hopes to find her. Valentino wondered where she spent the night. The house had a few bedrooms but many of them were locked and Valentino never found the opportunity to actually use them.

As he walked into the living room, Valentino's cell phone began to ring and he answered the call while rolling his eyes. Why was he getting a phone call this early in the morning? He thought he made it clear that he was on holiday.

"What?" He snapped and heard Joseph chuckle through the phone.

"Good morning to you too."

"Cut the shit, what do you want?" He asked in an irritated tone. Valentino took a seat on the couch, the phone held against his ear while his eyes peered out into the ocean.

"Obviously you and Ivy have had another fight already by the sounds of it. What was it about?"

"How the fuck do you know? You been hacking into the cameras or some shit?"

"No, just by how much of an asshole you sound right now. What was it even about?"

Valentino shrugged his shoulders and leaned his head back, taking a deep breath. "I said some harsh things to her last night. She didn't even sleep in the same bed and I don't gotta clue where the fuck she's gone."

"What did you say?"

"What I said was the damn truth. It's not like we're in a relationship yet she gets cut when I bring up the hoes."

Joseph snickered through the phone. "Honestly, I think you're just using that as an excuse to keep pushing her away. You care about her, Valentino. When are you gonna open your eyes and realise?"

Valentino hung up the phone and groaned, rubbing his eyes in frustration. Since when was Joseph a therapist? He threw the phone onto the couch and walked into the kitchen, grabbing something to drink when a figure jumping between the waves caught his attention. Rushing over to the sliding door, he opened it and ran down to the beach, Ivy's tanned body coming into view.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He yelled as Valentino reached out for her, the waves crashing against his legs and waking him up.

Ivy turned away, trying to wiggle out of the grip he had on her arm. "Leave me alone! Asshole!"

"Are you trying to run away or some shit, Princess?" He seethed, wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Yes, in fact I am." Ivy shoved him back, walking further into the water. At this rate she would rather drown from running away from Valentino than be dead in his hands.

Valentino laughed and Ivy glared at him, storming deeper into the water when she was suddenly pulled back, Valentino's hand snaked in her hair. He pulled harshly and her back collided with his naked chest with a thud. "What are you going to do Ivy? Swim to Australia and try to hide from me? You think you won't get attacked by sharks or even salt water crocs, huh? You'll be dead before you even see land and if you somehow manage to get to Australia before you're eaten alive, I can promise you Princess, I will hunt you down and find you." Valentino growled, his free hand choking her as his fingers dug into the side of her neck. "I swear to god, if you run away from me and I find you, I will hurt you more than you think Princess. You'll be on your knees begging me to kill you." He chuckled with evil as he suddenly squeezed even harder. Ivy began to panic, thrashing in his hold as she gasped for air, the salty water around them splashing everywhere.

Assassin Thirty TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora