Fourteen: An Eye For An Eye

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It took her two days for her to finally have the courage to leave her room and eat something. The maids sent her a sad smile but she didn't return the small gesture, instead she looked away coldly and took a seat at the table with the other men. Like always, they would send her dirty looks or smirks but she ignored it. Ignorance. It was a great thing for a woman with a strong mind. How it pissed people off.

"When is Boss supposed to be back?" Someone finally spoke up and Ivy snapped her head towards them.

"Today. They're hoping if all goes well they'll be back before nightfall." A man replied, the one that told Ivy dinner was ready a few nights ago... The same night she was whipped to oblivion. It was clear to her that he was the second in command, especially with Valentino being away. All the men seemed to take him seriously, almost as if he was suddenly just as important as Valentino was.

Ivy made a mental note of his face and voice. If Valentino was to ever die, there would be a replacement. There was always a replacement.

Inside her mind, thoughts began to flutter and plans were being made piece by piece. She wants revenge. Revenge was the only cure for her pain from the other night. There was no clear explanation for that sort of punishment and while Valentino liked to punish her by locking her away from daylight til god knows when, he never physically hurt her that bad. Sure, a couple punches or slaps or even throat grabbings here and there, but she would grin manically at him. The two people that did it to her were pussies. They had to blind her so she wouldn't know who they were. They were scared of her and that only added fuel to the fire that burned deeply inside of her.

The rest of the day Ivy spent it in the library, a new book in her hands this time. Who would've thought that even though she never graduated high school, she would become an assassin for one of the deadliest men in the world with a hobby of reading as her only escape?

The aged, oak grandfather clock in the room tucked away, every hour the chimes echoed through the spacious place. Lifting her head up at the noise, Ivy realised it was three 'o' clock. After spending the couple of days researching and spying, she found out that the second in command was normally in Valentino's office and with the news that he was returning today, Ivy slammed the book closed and decided to go pay him a visit.

Quickly making her way down the halls, she avoided eye contact with anyone that passed her. They didn't need to become aware of her plans or even get in the way. Before she made it to the office, she stopped at her bedroom and closed the door behind her. Walking over to the book next to the bed, she flipped to the back and grabbed the dagger she hid in it. Tucking the sharp object against her waist, she left the room and headed straight towards the office with only one thing in mind.


Knocking, she waited for a response. There was none. Then she knocked again and still, there was silence. Perfect, the plan was taking the easy route. Of course the office was locked but Ivy was a master at solving problems and picking locks was just a casual talent to her. Making sure no one was in the hall, she picked the lock and opened the door, the golden doorknob cold against her palm. Softly closing it, Ivy pressed her back flat against the wall, close enough to the door that when he would walk in, she could easily reach him. Ignoring the sting from her back, Ivy gripped the dagger in her hand when footsteps moved closer to the room. Suddenly the door was unlocked and he walked in, not bothering to look behind him as he pushed the door closed. Before he could make another step forward, Ivy snaked her hand over his mouth and harshly pressed the knife against her back.

"What th-" He muffled, trying to move but Ivy had built up her strength, he wasn't going to be able to move, hushing him, her hand with the dagger ran against his waist and his pants, feeling for any weapons before she grasped onto cold metal and grinned to herself. Snatching it from his grip, Ivy removed her hand, telling him to be quiet and surprisingly, he obeyed.

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