Thirty Seven: Lots of Questions but not Enough Answers

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It was almost dark when they had finished the dinner and the dessert the chef had cooked for them. Ivy decided to run a bath that overlooked the ocean and was outside. At first she was hesitant about an outdoor bath but then she remembered she had been swimming naked when they were at the beach house, where it wasn't just Valentino and her.

Bubbles flooded the tub as Ivy stepped into the warm water, her body relaxing and a sigh of relief passing her lips. She closed her eyes and embraced the comfort while Valentino was inside on the phone to someone. Her hands ran through the water, scooping piles of bubbles that she'd bring to her face before blowing them out of her hands and watching them mindlessly float back into the bath.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps made her turn her attention to Valentino who was pulling his shirt over his head, showcasing his tanned abs, a few attack scars and the black ink that was drawn over his body. Ivy couldn't pull her eyes away as she watched Valentino strip out of everything.

"My eyes are up here, Princess."

Ivy looked away with a guilty blush, tilting her head up as she casted her gaze to the stars above. Valentino leaned over the tub, his hands gripping the side as he climbed in, holding an intense stare with Ivy. "I know I'm irresistible but sometimes staring can be considered rude."

Ivy rolled her eyes and cracked out a dry laugh. "Don't flatter yourself too much, Mr. Black. I've seen better."

Valentino chuckled and sat down between Ivy's legs, his hands gently running up and down her thighs. "Lying to yourself isn't good, either."

They lied together in the bath quietly appreciating each other's presence. Helplessly, Ivy started to run her fingers through Valentino's hair and he sighed, relaxing further against Ivy's chest with his eyes closed.

"That feels nice." He mumbled and Ivy smiled, continuing the massage. They fell into a soothing quietness with the only noise surrounding them being the waves crashing against the white sand shores. Being on Valentino's private island was so isolating and outrageously quiet that Ivy thought she'd hate the idea of such a private and secluded place but it brought out a soft side to her. She couldn't remember the last time she accepted peace and gazed at the stars with contentful happiness. It was refreshing.

Ivy decided to break the silence that blanketed over them. "Val?"

"Hm?" He hummed a reply, deeply breathing.

"What are we?" She whispered so quietly she thought he almost hadn't heard but he stopped drawing circles on her knee.

There was no response and Ivy started to feel the odd emotion of regret. Why would she ask such an absurd question? They both made it clear that they didn't do love so why did she feel the need to know what to label them?

Ivy felt stupid and ashamed to even feel so vulnerable around him.

After the killingly long silence, Valentino replied. "We can be whatever you want to be, Princess."

"What does that mean?" Ivy questioned with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"We've both expressed we don't do love. We ain't gonna play boyfriend and girlfriend now are we? Just two sinners that hate each other yet somehow we're drawn to one another."

"We belong to each other." Ivy mumbled and Valentino softly nodded his head.

"I am yours and you are mine." Valentino said in a calming tone.

Ivy smiled softly at the words and continued to run her hands through his hair but he then pulled away, turning around so he was finally facing her. There was a dark look in his eyes that Ivy hadn't seen before. It wasn't like he was hungry for her or angry but she noticed the way his eyebrows had slightly dropped. He looked confused or worried. His hands gripped under her legs as he pulled her onto his lap effortlessly. Their chests touching with their hands linking behind one another's back.

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