Twenty Four: A Bloodbath and the Dark Sea

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It was mission day. The plan was unraveling quickly and to Valentino's liking. Franco agreed to meet them at the secluded warehouse by the docks later that night and Ivy lay in the bed, wide awake while Valentino was fast asleep next to her. She couldn't sleep. The last few weeks flashing in her mind and poisoning her dreams. The room was dark, with barely any light from the moon outside seeping its way between the folds of the curtains.

Everytime she closed her eyes and begged for sleep to consume her, she would be reminded of Valentino. Of the life she lives now because of the stupid contract he had made. Sleeping together wasn't part of it but he offered her pleasure and she greedily took it, plus she couldn't help that she was attracted to the asshole. His steady breathing was the only thing she could hear and Ivy began to overthink. Wondering what life she would be like living if the mission was successful and she was still working for the agency.

Or the life she could live if the plan backfired and Franco got what he wanted; her.

The thought unsettled her and Ivy gritted her teeth knowing that if Franco was to present a contract like the one she had to Valentino, work or die, she'd pick the other answer. Death. She knew there was no point living if she was in Franco's hold. She didn't know the area and couldn't plan escape routes if she needed to. Plus, Franco would treat her less of a human, not caring about her unlike Valentino.

Ivy leaned over the bed, her hands maneuvering in the dark as she quietly opened the nightstand draw. Her dagger that was carved with her name on it, shone deadly in the moonlight and she rolled over to the otherside of the bed.

Gently, she sat on Valentino's thighs as he slept peacefully, unaware that Ivy's blade was dancing dangerously on his chest. The tip of the blade carefully traced meaningless patterns as she held a firm grip. Her mind swimming with intrusive thoughts. Kill him now and run. Go back to the agency.

She lifted the dagger above her head with her two hands tightly gripping the handle, her fingertips brushing against the ruby crystal. Ivy stared down at Valentino's face with a glare and gritted teeth. Do it. Kill him. Her inner thoughts growled.

"Go on, Princess. Kill me." Valentino suddenly mumbled in a hoarse voice. His eyes fluttered open and he stared at Ivy with a sleepy glare.

Her eyes widened and her grip on the dagger tightened even more. With as much force as possible, Ivy didn't hesitate and leaned forward, plunging the knife into his chest. With quick reflexes, Valentino's hands captured Ivy's and the tip of the blade barely scratched his skin. They stared at each other in disbelief. The tension between them was heavy. Ivy's shoulders dropped and her grip on the dagger faltered. She accepted defeat. Her head hung low and then dark brown hair curtained her eyes, hiding the emotions that lurked in her eyes.

"We have an agreement, Valentino. You offer me one year of life in return for my services." She slowly lifted her head, gazing deeply into his eyes. "You make sure I make it out alive tonight and not in Franco's hands." Ivy whispered with a cold tone.

Valentino pried the dagger out of her hands and threw it across the room, the blade stabbing the bedroom door. His hands snaked around her waist and he pulled her towards him, her chest collapsing on his.

"I don't share. And anything that gets in the way of what I want, I won't hesitate to kill." He muttered, his hand brushing through her hair gently. "That means if he lays a finger on you or looks at you wrongly, I won't hold back and I'll have his head hanging in my office by tomorrow morning." Valentino promised and Ivy closed her eyes, finally having sleep consume her as his hands soothingly drew patterns on her back.


The roads were dark and the midnight breeze was bittersweet. Like a wolf howling under the moonlight warning his pack about the storm. The car slowly came to a stop and Valentino helped Ivy out of the car. Her hands were tied together in front of her and she was gagged with a white cloth. It was all costume of course. The black mascara that ran down her cheeks like she had been crying for hours and the dirty clothes that looked as if Valentino had been treating her like she was worthless.

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