Twenty Six: A Picture can Tell a Thousand Words

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Valentino paced around his office, rubbing his chin and jaw as he thought about his next move. He had to play it out cautiously and couldn't go in guns blazing like he wanted to. Ivy's life was on the line and he was a selfish man, not wanting another man to take her life.

Joseph closed the door behind him, stepping foot into the room while clutching another white envelope. Joseph didn't say anything and handed it to Valentino. He snatched the envelope and tore it open. Inside was a photo with some writing on the back and Valentino's jaw tightened as he gritted his teeth in anger. The photo was somewhat fuzzy but with the flash, it revealed Ivy, tied up and gagged as Matteo pulled her back who grinned wickedly at the camera.

Such a pretty face... Tick tock Val. Time's running out before I ruin her.

"Fuck." Valentino whispered, running his hands through his hair in frustration. Joseph stood at the door, quiet and calculated as he watched Valentino's nose flare and his anger increase. "That cunt speaking yet?"

Joseph shook his head and picked up the glass ornament, smashing it against the wall. This wasn't part of the plan and now with Matteo intervening, it made everything ten times worse. If only Franco kept his hands to himself...

Valentino stormed out of the room, heading for the basement underneath the beach house where Franco was located. Unlike the weather outside, the concrete walls and lack of natural light or air flow made the room cold and damp. But the whole point of it was to keep fuckers like Franco locked up like they were pieces of dirt, not some royalty. Franco's head hung lowly as he heavily breathed, his eyes swollen and bloody from the beatings.

Pulling out the knife from his pocket, Valentino drove the blade into Franco's knee cap, causing him to wake up and howl in pain.

"Right, Franco. Get talking, I'm done playing nice. I will draw as much blood and life from your sorry ass until I get the answers I need." He gritted, pulling the knife out and plunging it into the other knee cap.

"Ahh! I will never answer you, you American fucker." Franco spat and Valentino stood back, shaking off his suit jacket and rolling up his sleeves to his elbows. According to Franco, he chose the hard way and Valentino was going to make sure he left the room looking like a blood bath. He pulled on his leather gloves and grabbed a saw, slowly turning around and grinning at Franco.

"You Italian fuckers need to know your place. You're standing on American soil, pussy." Valentino clamped Franco's left hand down onto the metal arm rest, the bones in his hand cracking and Franco gritted his teeth, hissing at the pain. With the saw in his hands, Valentino didn't waste any time, the blade scratching against Franco's dirty skin before drawing blood.

Soon Franco was down two fingers and hadn't muttered a word yet. Valentino rolled his eyes at his pathetic threats before grabbing a pair of safety glasses and a chainsaw. The motor of the chainsaw gargling gasoline and echoing through the concrete room.

"You don't talk even after losing two fingers. How about a whole motherfucking hand Franco?" He smiled coldly, revving the chainsaw before running the saw against Franco's hand. The hand didn't fall to the floor, still clamped to the chair and Valentino looked down at his shirt, the white shirt sprayed with dark red. He grinned sadistically as Franco roared in pain, passing out but Valentino wasn't going to let him out too early.

Grabbing the right drug, he filled the syringe, stabbing it into Franco's neck and squeezing every drop into his bloodstream. Franco let out a roar, his eyes widening as he woke back up.

"Tell me where Matteo ran off to." Valentino growled, discarding the needle across the room.

Franco sat in the chair, sweating profusely as he glared at Valentino. "Matteo's a crazy man. He'll have so much fun with her." He cackled and Valentino balled his hands into fists, now seeing red and wanting Franco to feel pain until he begged him to end his life.

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