Twenty Eight: Office Ordeals

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A month had passed and Ivy felt some sort of peace. Darkness had consumed her life since she was a young girl so being in such dangerous and dark situations was something she had always prepared herself for. No matter how many times she would find herself wide awake to the cursing noises of Matteo's voice, she pushed it into the past, moving on with life and once she saw Matteo suffer in Valentino's hands, she felt like she could finally rest with both eyes closed.

Her eyes fluttered open as she stared off into the darkness of the bedroom with the sound of water running coming from the bathroom. It then quickly shut off and Ivy moved her eyes to Valentino who walked into the bedroom, adjusting his tie. He stared at Ivy as she rolled out of the bed and stalked towards him with a playful glimmer in her eyes.

"I want to get a tattoo." Ivy mumbled, pulling Valentino closer with her hand fisted in his shirt. He raised his eyebrows in amusement as Ivy lifted her head, her lips brushing against his.

"You want a tattoo, hm? Only good girls get what they want." He muttered and Ivy blinked innocently, slowly running her hands along his body as she stopped at his belt, undoing it and unzipping his pants. Ivy dropped to her knees, staring up at Valentino with a lustful gaze.

"I am a good girl. Always for you, Mr. Black." Ivy pouted, her fingers delicately playing against his upper thigh as Valentino threw his head back and groaned. He then looked back down at Ivy and grabbed her jaw before she could continue what she had started.

His thumb grazed against her jaw, his thumb roughly tugging at her bottom lip and then letting it go with a small pop. "Hm, and only for me, right Princess?" He said in a husky tone. Ivy dragged her teeth along her bottom lip, biting it as she nodded her head, looking up at Valentino with wide eyes.

Valentino's hand ran along her jaw and then snatched her neck, pulling her up to her feet. "You look fucking hot on your knees sweetheart but I have a meeting I need to attend so let's resume this later, yes?" Valentino breathed against her lips before devouring them. Ivy wanted more and she craved Valentino's sinful body but he pulled back, smirking at Ivy.

"I gotta go Princess. Don't cause no trouble, okay? I don't need to receive a call that I need to come home and punish your ass." Valentino grumbled, his hand tightening against her neck. Ivy grinned and he squeezed harder and she decided to push his buttons, moaning and rolling her eyes back causing him to snarl at her reaction. "But you'd fucking like the punishments." He growled, letting go of her and turning around to grab the suit jacket that was thrown over the chair. He shrugged it on and Ivy sat on the edge of the bed, her hands folded over her chest as she watched Valentino leave her alone in the bedroom.


Valentino walked into the office with a stern look on his face. The receptionist was busy playing with her nails until she rose her head at the noise of Valentino's appearance. She flashed her white teeth and straightened her posture as he neared the front desk. "Mr. Black, it's so nice to see you again." Valentino nodded his head and placed the bag he was carrying next to his feet on the floor.

"Anna. Is he in his office?" Valentino muttered, gazing down at Anna as she began to run her fingers along the keyboard.

"It looks like Mr. Garcia is in a meeting at the moment, would you like me to leave a message?" She asked, looking up over the rim of her glasses.

"No, I think I'll make him aware of my presence." Valentino grumbled, picking the bag back up and heading for the closed doors of Mr. Garcia's office. He didn't knock and pushed the door open, all the heads in the room snapping to Valentino's sudden entrance. Several men sat around a table, business papers and a display board showcasing Garcia's current business numbers and graphs. Mr. Garcia dropped the remote in his hand and stared at Valentino with wide eyes.

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