Thirty Eight: An Unwanted Visitor

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It was late at night and Ivy was lying in bed wide awake. Valentino had his arm wrapped around her waist while she rested her head on his chest. It was their last night at the island and tomorrow morning they'd be flying back to New York.

"Why are you still awake?" Valentino grumbled, and Ivy shrugged her shoulders, looking up at Valentino's sleepy face.

"Why are we here?" Ivy suddenly asked and he sighed, staring down at her while he ran his hand along her back soothingly.

"Business, Princess."

"We've been here for almost two weeks now and it's been just us and the staff. I haven't even killed anyone." She mumbled against his chest.

"I just thought you could use a break. Away from the violence and no missions. Just the two of us."

Ivy smiled sweetly at the gesture. Valentino wanted to spend two weeks alone with her? Was he going insane? Although, she couldn't argue that the peace and the seclusion of the island was nice. It helped relax her mind and body. In certain ways.

"Thank you Valentino." She whispered, placing a soft kiss on his lips. Valentino half smiled, still being somewhat in a sleepy state.

"You're welcome Princess."


Ivy was exhausted when they returned back to the estate. Maybe it was the jet lag or the fact that Valentino had her training once again at full swing. It was almost as if their little holiday never happened. Valentino went back to his business mindset, demanding things left, right and center with a full time cold scowl on his face. The playful, relaxed Valentino was left on his private island near Australia.

A week had already passed and Ivy missed the beach. She hated waking up and having to eat with a table full of men who had little to no respect for her. And the men that sat at the table seemed to find enjoyment between one another about the snarky and dirty comments they all made when they found out Valentino had invited Ivy to his holiday. But their little jokes were short lived when Valentino would finally snap and throw his knife across the table or fire a bullet through the roof. His violence seemed to shut them up.

Ivy had finished her daily appointment at the gym, this time Valentino had her training with Joseph, trying to sharpen up her punching. Once she was deemed free to go, she headed off to her bedroom to have a relaxing shower that would wash away the skin of sweat she had. The water wasn't too hot, cold enough that it was refreshing and once her body adjusted to the cold, she turned up the dial, hot water spraying over her body. Ivy washed herself down and stepped out of the shower, reaching for the clean towel to dry herself with.

Her drawers didn't consist of too many clothes. Sure, she had a few nice items that Valentino would spoil her with but nine times out of ten, they ended up on his bedroom floor rather than back in her drawers. Deciding on a basic t-shirt dress, Ivy pulled on and then brushed her hair. Before she left her room, she reached for her book on the nightstand and made her way towards his office.

If she wasn't training or walking mindlessly around the estate, Ivy found comfort in Valentino's presence while she read. Often she would find herself lying on the couch in his office while she read her book. Valentino didn't mind her company either. And most of the time when she came in, it was in the late afternoon when he wasn't expecting any visitors.

Being polite this time, Ivy knocked and waited for a reply in which she did not get. Instead of waiting, she pushed the door open to reveal Valentino pacing around the room with his phone held up to his ear.

Valentino snapped his head to the rude visitor before continuing to speak to the person on the phone. "I don't give a flying fuck if he's busy right now. I want to speak to him and I know damn well that he doesn't want me coming in to pay him a fucking visit. Hand the fucking phone to him now!" He boomed, becoming frustrated with the receptionist on the other end.

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