Forty One: Curiosity Killed the Cat

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Ivy walked around the house, boredom scratching at her mind and while she would normally kill it by annoying Valentino, he wasn't around to do so. The mansion was huge. Enormous and no matter how many times Ivy walked up and down the quiet halls, there were still more rooms to explore.

There was one floor in particular that she hadn't ventured to yet. And judging by how casual the guards were that day, Valentino mustn't have been on the property. The hall was dim, the afternoon sun fading away quickly as the darkness of the night rolled in and Ivy spun around, watching her surroundings as she saw two men chuckle to one another, a stack of cash in their hands as they reached the end of the hall, the security guard nodding his head at them before they walked right in.

Ivy knew that the room was only for his men to use. And Ivy was going to find a way in. Trying to act normal, Ivy leaned against the corner, watching the door down the hall as the man dressed in all black, was too busy watching his phone. Suddenly, the door jolted open and a woman walked out, her hair bright red with her face glammed up in makeup. She wore a coat, tightly roped around her waist and her heels clicked against the hard, wooden floor.

"Have a good evening, Katie." The man called out and she thanked him with a smile, walking away and Ivy suddenly realised just what the room was used for.

For men's pleasure.

Rolling her eyes, Ivy turned to walk away when she was pushed against the wall with a thud. Groaning, Ivy was about to throw a punch at the person when her eyes looked up and connected with his dark, teasing eyes.

"Curiosity can kill you, Princess." He whispered against Ivy's cheek and she scoffed.

"Yet you're still alive. Such a shame." Ivy snapped, shoving Valentino's chest but he didn't budge, instead, taking a step closer, their chests touching and Ivy hated the tingle that covered her skin.

"Watch that smart mouth of yours, sweetheart."

"Oh go fuck yourself, Val. How many times have you threatened me about my attitude but still do nothing about it? It's starting to get a bit old."

Valentino slammed his fist against the wall behind Ivy's head but she didn't even flinch, her glare remaining prominent on him. "Just because I may not be here everyday, doesn't mean I'm not watching you. If I was you, I wouldn't put myself in shit I don't know I'm getting myself into."

Valentino stormed away and Ivy watched him disappear, the security guard opening the door to the hidden room before she let out a frustrated yell, kicking the wall before storming up to the dining room, knowing that there was food waiting to comfort her frustration.


Valentino hadn't seen Ivy for the rest of the night. He knew she was angry at him. Over what? He had no fucking clue. Maybe she was just getting really bored and that was the reasoning behind lighting up his Ferrari and destroying his beloved Jaguar. Both cars that both cost way too much money to have in a pile of ash and scrap metal. And his response to her tantrum? Give her the best damn head she would have in her entire fucking life.

Tapping the girl's shoulder, she turned her head around, smiling seductively at Valentino as he gestured her away. As she stood up from his lap, Valentino pulled out his stack of cash he brought in with him.

"Are you needing company tonight, Sir?" Winnie's voice was raspy from the amount of cigarettes she smoked which took a lot of men by surprise when they'd first met her. Winnie looked like the golden girl. Tanned skin, naturally blonde hair that wasn't platinum and rather more of a dirty blonde, her kind, warm eyes enticing customers. But Winnie wasn't sweet. She was dropped into Valentino's lap a few years back. When she was out on the corner of the street, giving the bums a blow job for a hit of crack as payment. But now, under Valentino's control, drugs were no longer a form of payment for her. She was fed, living under a roof with a group of girls that were in similar positions. Winnie walked away with stacks of cash every single night she worked.

"Nah I'm good, Winnie. Go home early tonight." Valentino replied, standing up and putting his suit jacket back on. Handing Winnie a stack of cash, she took it with a smile before leaning against Valentino and placing a sweet kiss against his cheek.

"Thank you Mr. Black."

Just as Valentino was about to exit the dungeon, Joseph caught his attention, shaking his head while a girl with short red hair danced on his lap. "She's gonna kill you if she sees you in here." Joseph commented and Valentino rolled his eyes.

"She ain't got nothing to worry about."

Making his way back to his room, ready to call it a night, he passed Ivy who sat on the island bench in the kitchen, a tub of ice cream in her hand and when her eyes locked onto his, she lifted her hand and pulled the middle finger at Valentino with a glare.

When Valentino made it back to his room, he discarded his clothes, heading straight for the shower. The hot steam bellowed in the dark space and Valentino stepped under, the hot spritz of the water instantly relaxing his muscles. Leaning against the tiled wall, he took deep breaths, flexing his back muscles as the water cascaded down his toned back and legs. Every time Valentino closed his eyes, she was right there. In that teasing white lingerie, her toned legs thrown over his shoulders and her sweet gasps and moans of pleasure drowning his ears. If he was being totally honest, he couldn't give two rats ass about the Ferrari that she lit on fire. He found it hot and chaotic.

And having his men stand in the distance, watching Valentino devour her like he hadn't eaten for days, her screams of his name rolling off her tongue so beautifully because she just couldn't handle the overload of stimulation made him hard and he cursed under his breath, his fist colliding with the wall. He hated how much she had gotten under his skin. How everything she fucking did impacted him somehow. That she challenged him every fucking day.

If it were any other woman who walked in, testing his limits, not obeying his orders, burning and destroying his fucking million dollar cars, then he'd have them killed in a heartbeat. Because no one crossed Valentino.

And Joseph's comment? That Ivy would fucking kill him if she caught him being intimate with another woman? Yeah that was right. But Valentino hadn't been with another girl sexually since Ivy basically dry humped the guy on the dance floor at his club. He just wasn't interested in anyone but her. Which was why Daisy kept on pushing, because back then, Daisy was Valentino's go to girl. She gave good head and put out when told. But while Ivy had an attitude that irritated the shit out of Valentino, Daisy was just straight up annoying. She knew that she was only good for one thing. Sex. Yet here Ivy was, keeping Valentino on his toes and running him fucking wild. Giving her so much power that he was way too blinded by her to even notice.

Yet there she was, lying in his bed sound asleep after he returned from his shower with the blanket barely draped over her naked body, teasing him like she had since the day she got there.

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